TWENTY SIX SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B 1st Reading: Numbers 11:25-29. Resp. Psalm: Psalm 19:7.9.11-13. R/. The precepts of the Lord are right; they gladden the heart. 2nd [...]
TWENTY FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B 1st Reading: Wisdom 2:12.17-20. Resp. Psalm: Psalm 54:3-6.8. R/. Behold, the Lord is the upholder of my life. 2nd Reading: James [...]
TWENTY FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR B 1st Reading: Isaiah 50:5-9. Resp. Psalm: Psalm 116:1-6.8-9. R/. I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living. [...]
TWENTY THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B 1st Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7. Resp. Psalm: Psalm 146:7-10. R/. My soul, give praise to the Lord! 2nd Reading: James 2:1-5. Gospel [...]
TWENTY SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR B 1st Reading: Deuteronomy 4:1-2.6-8 Resp. Psalm: Psalm 15:2-5. R/. O Lord, who may abide in your tent? 2nd Reading: [...]
TWENTY FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR B 1st Reading: Joshua 24:1-2.15-18 Resp. Psalm: Psalm 34:2-3.16-23. R/. Taste and see that the Lord is good! 2nd Reading: Ephesians 5:21-32 [...]
The SOLEMNITY OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 1st Reading: 1 Chronicles 15:3-4.15-16, 16:1-2 Resp. Psalm: Psalm 132:6-7.9-10.13-14. R/. Go up, Lord, to the place of [...]
NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B 1st Reading: 1 Kings 19:4-8. Resp. Psalm: Psalm 34:2-9. R/. Taste and see that the Lord is good! 2nd Reading: Ephesians 4:30.5:2. Gospel [...]
EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B 1st Reading: Exodus 16:2-4.12-15. Resp. Psalm: Psalm 78:3-4.23-25.54 R/. The Lord gave them bread from heaven. 2nd [...]
SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B 1st Reading: Jeremiah 23:1-6. Resp. Psalm: Psalm 23:1-6. R/. The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want. 2nd Reading: [...]