1st Reading:  Jeremiah 23:1-6.  Resp. Psalm: Psalm 23:1-6. R/.   The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.

2nd Reading:  Ephesians 2:13-18.  Gospel Acclamation:  My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; and I know them, they follow me.

Gospel: Mark 6:30-34.

Saturday20/709h00Nazareth HouseFr RobertElmar Schaefer – Blessing & Mercy
  18h00CathedralFr ChristianKathy Robertson – Very ill
Sunday21/707h30Villa MariaFr RobertMissa pro Populo
  08h45Nazareth HouseFr David 
  10h00CathedralFr RobertRia Matsala
  17h00CathedralFr ChristianMarilyn Barton
Monday22/707h00Villa MariaFr ChristianCaitlin – Safe pregnancy & delivery
  13h10CathedralFr ChristianSick & Elderly Priests
Tuesday23/707h00Nazareth HouseFr RobertLundes de Pontes RIP
  13h10CathedralFr RobertDeceased Clergy of Cape Town
Wednesday24/707h00Villa MariaFr RobertMortuary List
  13h10CathedralFr ChristianTeixeira Family
Thursday25/707h00Nazareth HouseFr RobertDominique – Good decisions
  13h10CathedralFr ChristianPrivate Intention
Friday26/707h00Villa MariaFr RobertTiago de Brito RIP
  13h10CathedralFr ChristianMortuary List
Saturday27/709h00Nazareth HouseFr ChristianSr Nuala O’Byrne
  18h00CathedralFr RobertGorete de Brito RIP
Sunday28/707h30Villa MariaFr RobertMissa pro Populo
  08h45Nazareth HouseFr ChristianThanksgiving (E R Hunt)
  10h00CathedralFr RobertUrsula Williams RIP
  17h00CathedralFr ChristianFor those at Mass

MASS INTENTIONS:  Above are the intentions that the Priest will offer up for the week of the 20–28th July 2024.  There are envelopes made available at entrance of the church, for those who would like a Mass offered. These Masses may be offered for special intentions and especially for the Repose of the Souls of our departed relatives and friends. Only one intention may be offered per Mass, so please take an envelope per Mass Intention. These may be handed to the priest on duty or placed in the collection box.  Many thanks.

SVP WINTER DRIVE:  The SVP is urgently looking for donations of warm second hand clothing, jerseys, jackets scarves, beanies, gloves etc. Also second hand blankets. Non-perishable items:  tinned foods, sugar, coffee, tea, porridge, cup of soup, oil, pasta etc. All goods can be dropped off at the Parish office or the Cathedral. The SVP will also be providing the homeless with soup and a hot cup of coffee/tea in the next month. Any donations toward this special spoil are welcome. Thanking you all in advance for your generosity.

MUSIC:  The Shona Choir will be singing at the Cathedral on Sunday, 21th July 2024 at the 10h00 Mass.

VESPERS:  The Cathedral Choir will sing Solemn Vespers and Benediction on Sunday, 21st July 2024 at 16h00 just before the 17h00 Holy Mass.  Do consider attending this wonderful time of prayer and devotion to our Lord.

MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE:  You are invited to attend a presentation on Marriage and Family Life by Professor Renato Versace, an expert in the field. This presentation will take place at St John’s Catholic Church, Maitland (163 Coronation Rd, Maitland) at 19h00 on Thursday, 25th July 2024, and is open to everyone and will be relevant to all. Please reach out to those who lead the Marriage and Family portfolio on the parish PPCs’.

MUSIC:  The Mpumalanga Youth Choir will be singing at the Cathedral on Sunday, 28th July 2024 at the 10h00 Mass. Please do stay after the Mass as they will give a short free concert thereafter.


Please make sure to update your details on the slip provided at the weekend masses. This is to keep our parish records up to date.  


It’s time to be a part of something bigger:  As stewards of God’s resources; As an investment in the gospel; As a discipline to reduce greed and selfishness and produce worship, joy and faith; to help the poor and needy within the community; to support global mission. Contributing to Planned Giving will bring us closer to our goal.  Forms are available at the entrance of church. 

To be said after Holy Communion:

O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine! All praise and all thanksgiving, be every moment thine. (X3)

To be said

Thanksgiving For Peaceful Elections

Lord God and Father of the human family, we are grateful for the many blessings we enjoy in South Africa. We give you thanks for the peaceful outcome of the elections in our country,

And we ask for your protection and guidance for all who devote themselves to the common good, and who work for justice and peace.

We pray for our elected leaders, that they may be true servants of our people. Lord, heal us of our differences and unite us in a common purpose and commitment for the good of all our people, especially those who are most vulnerable in our midst. Amen.

We are always thankful to all those who contribute financially each week.Please prayerfully consider making a donation as it does benefit our parish in many important ways. You are also welcome to use SnapScan to make a donation.

Banking details:  Standard Bank Name:  St Marys Cathedral/Current Account Branch code:  020 909 Account number:   071 564 780
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