1st Reading: Amos 7:12-15. Resp. Psalm: Psalm 85:9–14. R/. Let us see, O Lord, your mercy, and grant us your salvation.
2nd Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14. Gospel Acclamation: May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our heart that we might know what is the hope to which he has called us. Gospel: Mark 6:1-6.
Saturday | 13/7 | 09h00 | Nazareth House | Fr Christian | Souls in Purgatory |
18h00 | Cathedral | Fr Christian | |||
Sunday | 14/7 | 07h30 | Villa Maria | Fr Robert | Missa pro Populo |
08h45 | Nazareth House | Fr Christian | Frantz Family | ||
10h00 | Cathedral | Fr Robert | Brendan Ryan (Birthday) | ||
17h00 | Cathedral | Fr Christian | For those at Mass | ||
Monday | 15/7 | 07h00 | Villa Maria | Fr Christian | Kathy Robertson (Very ill) |
13h10 | Cathedral | Fr Robert | |||
Tuesday | 16/7 | 07h00 | Nazareth House | Fr Christian | |
13h10 | Cathedral | Fr Robert | Keith Hunt (Special Intention) | ||
Wednesday | 17/7 | 07h00 | Villa Maria | Fr Christian | |
13h10 | Cathedral | Fr Robert | Vocations in th Archdiocese | ||
Thursday | 18/7 | 07h00 | Nazareth House | Fr Christian | |
13h10 | Cathedral | Fr Robert | |||
Friday | 19/7 | 07h00 | Villa Maria | Fr Christian | |
13h10 | Cathedral | Fr Robert | Catherine Chapman (RIP) | ||
Saturday | 20/7 | 09h00 | Nazareth House | Fr Robert | |
18h00 | Cathedral | Fr Robert | Pia and Eddie Horn | ||
Sunday | 21/7 | 07h30 | Villa Maria | Fr Christian | |
08h45 | Nazareth House | Fr Robert | Missa pro Populo | ||
10h00 | Cathedral | Fr Christian | |||
17h00 | Cathedral | Fr Robert | Kathy Robert (Very ill) |
MASS INTENTIONS: Above are the intentions that the Priest will offer up for the week of the 13-21st July 2024. There are envelopes made available at entrance of the church, for those who would like a Mass offered. These Masses may be offered for special intentions and especially for the Repose of the Souls of our departed relatives and friends. Only one intention may be offered per Mass, so please take an envelope per Mass Intention. These may be handed to the priest on duty or placed in the collection box. Many thanks.
THE YOUTH LEADERSHIP TEAM: We would like to thank those parishioners that supported and donated towards our Movie Day, last Saturday. There will be another movie day in August, date to be confirmed.
SECOND COLLECTION: This weekend‘s Second Collection is in aid of the Seafarers. Envelopes are available at the entrance of the church.
SVDP WINTER DRIVE: We are appealing to all parishioners for donations to help ensure that those who are experiencing homelessness in our community receive the support to keep warm and fed. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those in need. Thank you.
OUR MISSION: 2nd Quarterly Newsletter – Pontifical Mission Societies. By clicking on the following link,
VESPERS: The Cathedral Choir will sing Solemn Vespers and Benediction on Sunday, 21st July at 16h00 just before the 17h00 Holy Mass. Do consider attending this wonderful time of prayer and devotion to our Lord.
MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE: You are invited to attend a presentation on Marriage and Family Life by Professor Renato Versace, an expert in the field. This presentation will take place at St John’s Catholic Church, Maitland (163 Coronation Rd, Maitland) at 19h00 on Thursday, 25th July 2024, and is open to everyone and will be relevant to all. Please reach out to those who lead the Marriage and Family portfolio on the parish PPCs’.
BAPTISMS OF INFANTS: The Sacrament of Baptism will take place on Saturday, 27th July at 18h00 at the Cathedral. To register please fill in the necessary forms, that are made available at the entrance of the church.
Welcome! We invite you to join our Parish and become a part of our Community. Registration forms are available at the entrance of the church.
It’s time to be a part of something bigger: As stewards of God’s resources; As an investment in the gospel; As a discipline to reduce greed and selfishness and produce worship, joy and faith; to help the poor and needy within the community; to support global mission. Contributing to Planned Giving will bring us closer to our goal. Forms are available at the entrance of church.
To be said after Holy Communion:
O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine! All praise and all thanksgiving, be every moment thine. (X3)
Father Robert and the community of St Mary’s Cathedral Parish would like to convey our Deepest Condolence to Father Christian and his family for the loss of your Uncle. May he rest in peace.
We are always thankful to all those who contribute financially each week.Please prayerfully consider making a donation as it does benefit our parish in many important ways. You are also welcome to use SnapScan to make a donation. Banking details: Standard Bank Name: St Marys Cathedral/Current Account Branch code: 020 909Account number: 071 564 780 |