1st Reading:  Exodus 16:2-4.12-15.  Resp. Psalm: Psalm 78:3-4.23-25.54

R/.   The Lord gave them bread from heaven.

2nd Reading:  Ephesians 4:17.20-24.  Gospel Acclamation:  Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Gospel: John 6:24-35

Saturday03/809h00Nazareth HouseFr RobertAmaro Luiz
  18h00CathedralFr ChristianJoão De Freitas
Sunday04/807h30Villa MariaFr ChristianMila Barton
  08h45Nazareth HouseFr RobertHealing – Catherine
  10h00CathedralFr ChristianKathleen Mary Perry RIP
  17h00CathedralFr RobertMissa pro Poulo
Monday05/807h00Villa MariaFr ChristianHeather Bakgaard
  13h10CathedralFr ChristianSick and Retired Priests
Tuesday06/807h00Nazareth HouseFr RobertHoly Face of Jesus
  13h10CathedralFr RobertMark Lagan RIP
Wednesday07/807h00Villa MariaFr RobertMortuary List
  13h10CathedralFr ChristianCancer Sufferers
Thursday08/807h00Nazareth HouseFr RobertMatilde Faria RIP
  13h10CathedralFr ChristianHealing – Kurt Bakgaard
Friday09/807h00Villa MariaFr RobertCarlos de Jesus Correira  RIP
  13h10Cathedral (* No Mass – Public Holiday)
Saturday10/809h00Nazareth HouseFr ChristianWanda da Silva Toledo RIP
  18h00CathedralFr RobertMissa pro Populo
Sunday11/807h30Villa MariaFr RobertLuiz de Freitas – Spiritual Benefit
  08h45Nazareth HouseFr ChristianManuel Teixeira RIP
  10h00CathedralFr RobertCarlos de Freitas – Spiritual Benefit
  17h00CathedralFr ChristianFamily Life

MASS INTENTIONS:  Above are the intentions that the Priest will offer up for the week of the 03rd–11th August 2024.  There are envelopes made available at entrance of the church, for those who would like a Mass offered. These Masses may be offered for special intentions and especially for the Repose of the Souls of our departed relatives and friends. Only one intention may be offered per Mass, so please take an envelope per Mass Intention. These may be handed to the priest on duty or placed in the collection box.

CATECHETICAL FORMATION PROGRAMMME:  Next Session will take place on Saturday, 10th August from 09h00 to 12h00 in the Parish Hall.

SVDP COMMITTEE:  Meeting to be held on Saturday, 17th August from 09h00 to 12h00 in the Parish Hall.

A PLEA FOR PEACE: featuring The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace presented by the Symphony Choir of Cape Town at 19h00 on 16th and 17th August at the Cape Town City Hall.  Tickets via Quicket.

ZIMBABWEAN COMMUNITY:  On Sunday, 18th August at 12h00 the Zimbabwean Community will celebrate Mass of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

MOVIE DAY:  On Saturday, 31st August 2024 from 12h00 in the Parish Hall.  Ticket only: R25, R35 with popcorn or R55 with popcorn, cooldrink, chips and sweets.  Everyone is welcome.


For couples who are hurting. Next course: 13-15 September. Please see the poster at the doors.

BLASPHEMOUS OPENING CEREMONY OF THE OLYPMIC GAMES 2024:  It is with a great sense of disappointment and disgust that we pen these words. The Olympic Games, like any international event, is meant to foster growth and unity among all peoples. This aim was seriously undermined by what appears to be a carefully planned assault on the sensitivities of Christians. Complaints have been made from various sources in the Church, as well as from Religious Leaders from other traditions. Anyone who wishes to join in this complaint against what is blasphemous and demand a public apology should send their complaints to the President of the

International Committee using any of the following URLs: https://olympics.com/ioc/contact-us

or https://support.olympics.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new

Go to the website. On the first page under the address you will see (in blue) the words: “Contact

us”. Click on that and a page on which you can register the complaint and your demand for an

apology will open up.


Please consider joining the Parish Planned Giving. This allows the Finance Council the ability to plan; your dedicated contribution makes a difference! Please also consider Debit Orders or EFT giving as these lower deposit costs and decrease risks on the property. Snap Scan is also a real option. Should you wish to join or change your Planned Giving, forms are available at the doors.

SVDP WINTER DRIVE:  The SVP is urgently looking for donations of warm second hand clothing, jerseys, jackets scarves, beanies, gloves etc. Also second hand blankets. Non-perishable items:  tinned foods, sugar, coffee, tea, porridge, cup of soup, oil, pasta etc. All goods can be dropped off at the Parish office or the Cathedral. The SVP will also be providing the homeless with soup and a hot cup of coffee/tea in the next month. Any donations toward this special spoil are welcome. Thanking you all in advance for your generosity.

COMMUNAL ACT OF THANKSGIVING O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine! All praise and all thanksgiving, be every moment thine. (X3)
We are always thankful to all those who contribute financially each week.Please prayerfully consider making a donation as it does benefit our parish in many important ways. You are also welcome to use SnapScan to make a donation.
Banking details:               Standard Bank Name:                                St Marys Cathedral                     Current Account
Branch code:                    020 909 Account number:             071 564 780


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