Thought for the day

 The banking crisis is only one example of a wider “honesty deficit” in public life. Even people working for charities are sometimes found, unfortunately, to be lacking in integrity. As a result, the story of dishonest management will not lack contemporary echoes. It also means that the shock of story—the manager continues to fix the books for his own benefit—is just as much a shock today as it would have been in first-century Palestine. If that were not enough, the ironic teaching drawn in v. 9 borders on the sarcastic, not to say caustic. No missing the meaning, in any case! But what is the meaning? It can’t be simply copy that distressing example of the manager. To act, not to delay, seems to be at the centre.


 I truly believe and I know, God of our hearts, that you love and desire all that I am. May your great love penetrate even the darkest parts of my life that I may know true conversion of heart and love you with my whole self.





Collection           R        4 887.80              Planned Giving                    R   4708.88

Southern Cross  R          109.00          


  1. From August 26th until September 27th Rohan will be taking his Annual leave.


  1. Due to the Public Holiday (Heritage Day), please note that there will be no Mass at The Cathedral. We will be hosting from 11h00 to 11h30 an Inter-Denominational visit around the History of the Church.  
  1. PRIESTS’ PROVIDENT FUND COLLECTION – Please take an envelope for this collection which will be taken up next weekend at all Masses. The collection help, us to provide for all our Priests who gave many years of service in the Archdiocese.  Thank you for your support.  They remember you in prayer. 
  1. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM – Our next Baptism will be celebrated in the Cathedral on Sunday, 06 October at the 10h00 Mass. Preparation class will take place on the Thursday, 3rd October at 19h00 at the Cathedral Office. Should you wish to Baptize tour child please arrange an appointment with the Priest before then. 
  1. THE MIDDAY CONCERT (THE ENCORE CHAMBER CHOIR) IS POSTPONE. It will be taken place on Sunday, 13th October at the Cathedral.  Cost of the ticket is R50.00 per person and will be available at the door. Looking forward to your support. 
  1. On Sunday, 13th October the Cape Town Chamber Choir will be singing at the 10h00 Mass at the Cathedral. 


Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church at least SIX MONTHS notice of your intention to do so.  Please contact the Cathedral office to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry and to arrange the required Marriage Preparation Classes.


The Banns of Upcoming Marriages 

28th September at 14h00    Jason Williams & Maunique Naidoo 



  • This week in The Southern Cross – Pope Francis warns of split in Church / SA pilgrims on seeing the pope in Africa / How St Michael does battle for us in daily  life /  Fr Rolheiser: How we can smell humility / Is it a sin when we don’t fast on special days?
  • From Friday 20 September to Monday 23 September, the Open Mosque will be holding its 4th Annual Interfaith Retreat in Greyton. The topic of the retreat is The Concept Of Justice Within The Abrahamic Faiths. The cost will be R1500 for the entire retreat, all-inclusive. For more information please contact or 021 824-1400, 082 829-4547  
  • On the Tuesday, 24th September the Schoenstatt Movement would like to invite you – especially all young Catholics to the annual Shrine Pilgrimage. The theme of the Pilgrimage is “Renew your heart-renew the Church.” For Further Information please contact: Marcel Barry on 021 705 2119/083 454 2209 or Clement Nicolls on 021 715 1853/082 451 3286. Copy of programme on notice board.  
  • Taize Pilgrimage : For various reasons, far fewer than expected young people have registered to take part in the pilgrimage. So sadly, accommodation is no longer needed in our parish. We would like to thank all those who were so willing to open their homes to pilgrims.  Many blessings to the Young Adult Group who will be participating on Sunday, 28th
  • The next weekend Catholic Engaged Encounter, 28th to 29th September held at St Joseph’s Montana. Bookings to be made by email: 
  • On Saturday, 28th September from 10h00 to 15h30 Retreat day of quiet prayer, hosted by CLC, at Springfield Convent, Wynberg. All welcome.  For further information contact Jane on 082 783 0331 or Jill on 083 282 6763.



The Cathedral Parish is completely committed to ensuring the safety of our children. For further information consult the website of the Archdiocese: using the Ministries Tab or contact our Parochial Coordinator, Margie Cook on 0824618607.

























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