Thought for the day
Jesus knows, of course, that it is not our hands or our feet or our eyes which cause us to sin (cf. Mark 7:14-23). There is a certain sarcastic, even caustic wit in telling us to lop off extremities, as if it were that simple. Sometimes, humour is more effective – more disarming at any rate – than blunt exhortation (hence, dictators always fear the comedians). The point is not lost however: we need to get to the root of the matter and undergo conversion of heart, then of life and then of the whole person, limbs and all!
Loving God, help us to continue on the path of conversion of heart and life. Help us to make those choices which will reflect our faith in you, loving, just and faithful God. Help us to see ourselves as you would wish us to be, in your own image and likeness.
The Divine Office – Week II
Collections R 11 944, 85 Planned Giving R 7 657, 77
Southern Cross R 70, 00
Thank you most sincerely for your generosity!
- SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND – The Priests Provident Fund. Thank you for your generosity in this regard.
- THE SOUTHERN CROSS – South African women to play top role in Rome meeting; Soweto’s oldest parish turns 90; Knock – Where Our Lady was silent; What would St Catherine of Siena do today? Even Witchdoctors found churches now. EDITORIAL – The Morality of dagga
- RAFFLE DRAW to take place at the 10h00 Holy Mass. Winners will be notified via the Cathedral Office.
- SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM is scheduled for Sunday 07th October at the 10h00 Holy Mass. The instruction class is scheduled for Thursday 04th October at 19h00 in the Cathedral Hall. Parents and Guardians are requested to please register their children with the clergy.
- EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND BENEDICTION on Friday 05th October at 17h30 in the Main Chapel at Nazareth House, Vredehoek.
The Banns of Upcoming Marriages
20 October @14h00 Garth Smith & Natalie Choto
20 October @ 15h00 Nicholas Hayes & Stephanie Joubert
02 November @ 14h30 Alberto-Maria Bernadi & Sonia Ramautar Convalidation
03 November @ 12h00 David Madlala & Jodi Gordon
24 November @ 11h00 Miles Arendse & Candice Cornelissen
24 November @ 12h00 Brendan Shunmugan & Lauren Page
01 December @ 14h00 Matthew Guerreiro & Lara-Ann Ramos
15 December @ 14h00 Terence Atkins & Valnay Jones
Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church at least six months notice of your intent to get married. Please contact the Cathedral office to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry.
O God, in whom we live and move, and have our being, grant us sufficient rain,
so that being supplied with what sustains us in this present life,
we may seek more confidently what sustains us for eternity.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
CLERGY TRANSFER NEWS – The Archbishop has appointed Fr. Celestine Okekeofojebe as the Parish Priest of Vredenburg. His appointment will be effective as from Tuesday 30th October. We express our gratitude to Fr. Celestine for his ministry in the parish and wish him much success in his new appointment. Furthermore, the Archbishop has appointed Fr. Luigi Benigni as the new assistant priest at the Cathedral.
ECCLESIA – The theme for the upcoming Ecclesia Season is “The Church is an Open Door” which is scheduled to start in October. We are invited to go out into the world and to truly live the Gospel. To join a group for the five sessions please contact either Michael Baker (082 493 8493) or Margie Cook (082 461 8607) or Ninette Irakoza (073 963 2556)
03rd October at 18h30 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING at the Parish Room in Nazareth House
04th October at 19h00 DIACONATE ORDINATION of Bro Alfredo van der Schyff at St Anne’s Catholic Church in Steenberg.
06th October at 14h15 BINGO at Zonnebloem Old Age Home. Please contact Anik Broadhurst on 082 461 8607 or 021 439 6987 for further information.
19th – 21st October MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND at Maryland Retreat Centre in Hanover Park. You may contact Graham and Patuele Maart on 076 930 3818 and 084 502 3805 respectively. Application forms are available through the Cathedral Office.
21st October MISSION SUNDAY will be celebrated at the weekend masses. Please note that we will have a second collection at all the weekend masses of the 20th & 21st October.
01st November at 11h00 ANNUAL MASS FOR DECEASED CLERGY, RELIGIOUS AND BENEFACTORS at St Michael’s Catholic Church, Rondebosch.
24th – 25th November MORTUARY LIST SECOND COLLECTION. Please note that during the month of November you will be afforded the opportunity to submit names of your deceased relatives and friends to be added to the Parish’s Mortuary List. Weekly masses are celebrated in the parish for their repose.
01st December at 10h30 WORLD AIDS DAY – The Archdiocesan Healthcare Association invites everyone to join them for the Celebration of Holy Mass on Saturday 01st December at the Cathedral to pray for all those who are either affected or infected by HIV/AIDS
Please note that for our Christmas Midnight Mass this year at The
Metropolitan Cathedral, the mass setting is Messe Solenelle, Opus 16
by Louis Vierne. Composed in 1899 and published in 1900, it was first
performed at Saint-Sulpice, Paris in December 1901.