The Thought for the Day

True love of God and neighbour is the antidote to complexity and crisis in human existence.


God our Father, fill us with the power of your Holy Spirit and renew within us your gift of perfect love for others. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

The Divine Office – Week I



1.)   LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTIONS                             

        Collections                      R4 098.20                 Planned Giving                 R 700.00              

        Southern Cross             R    80.00                     

        Thank you most sincerely for your generosity!

 2).  IN SOUTHERN CROSS:  Archbishop slams ‘well-dressed looters’, SA Church to present project to UN, Jo’burg couple for sainthood?, How talk with kids about scandal,

Padre Pio: Holy  and controversial.  EDITORIAL: Why seal of confessional is unbreakable.


The Banns of Marriage

20 October at 14h00 Garth Smith & Natalie Choto

20 October at 15h00 Nicholas Hayes & Stephanie Joubert

02 November at 14h30 Alberto-Maria Bernadi & Sonia Ramautar  Convalidation

03 November at 12h00 David Madlala & Jodi Gordon

24 November at 11h00 Miles Arendse & Candice Cornelissen

24 November at 12h00 Brendan Shunmugan & Lauren Page



24th September      Heritage Day: Public Holiday.

24th September      Archbishop Brislin’s birthday.

29th September      Feast of Archangels Michael, Gabriel & Raphael

29th & 30th September     Engaged Encounter weekend at Christ the King, Pinelands. For  bookings please contact Beryl Lategan on 021 376 4306


29th September                  Retreat day of quit prayer, hosted by CLC, at Springfield  Convent, Wynberg @ 09.30-15.30. For further information,

contact Jane on 082 783 0331 or Jill on 083 282 6763.

30th September                   Priests’ Providence Fund Collection.


Ecclesia: The Church is an Open Door – This is the theme for the upcoming Ecclesia Season. We are invited to go out into the world and to truly live the Gospel.

To join a group for the five sessions please contact Margie Cook 0824618607, Michael Baker 0824938493 or Ninette Irakoza 0739632556. The sessions will start in early      October.


The Fundraising committee will be running a Raffle for the month of September. Ticket on sale after Mass at a Cost of R10.00 a ticket.

Plenty of prize to be won, Hair products, Fondue Set, a Bag, Photo Coasters, Hair Voucher (for all hair types), Dinner for two plus an assortment of Future Life packages.

Your support and generosity will be much appreciated.

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