1st Reading: 2 Kings 4:8-11.14-16. Resp. Psalm:  Ps 89:2-3.16-19 ℟:  I will sing forever of your mercies, O Lord.  2nd Reading:  Romans 6:3-4.8-11.

Gospel acclamation: You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation; declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.  Gospel:  Matthew 10:37-42.

SVP WINTER DRIVE: The SVP is urgently looking for donations of warm second hand clothing, jerseys, jackets scarves, beanies etc. Also second hand blankets. Non-perishable items tinned foods, sugar, coffee, tea, porridge, cup of soup, oil, pasta etc. All goods can be dropped off at the Parish office or the Cathedral.

SECOND COLLECTIONS:  This weekend a second collection for Peter’s Pence will be taken up at all the Masses. Next weekend will be a second collection for Seafarers’ Sunday. Envelopes for both collections are available at the entrance of the church.

SHONA MASS: on Sunday, 04th July at 12h00 at the Cathedral.

RETROUVAILLE: (A Life Line For Married couple):  Our next programme in Cape Town 28–30 July 2023. For further information or to register please contact Kevin and Cindy or See poster on notice board for further details.

SNAPSCAN: Seeing that many people do not carry cash (for

security reasons) the PFC has decided to register the parish for

SnapScan. Contributions towards the Sunday collection (only

for the first collection towards the parish) can be made via

the app at any time. The QR codes are available at the entrance

or on the collection boxes. Alternatively please use the following


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