Thought for the day
“Silence is the language God speaks and everything else is a bad translation” is variously attributed. Whoever penned it, it strikes a chord on the feast of the Holy and Undivided Trinity. As we stand before the absolute mystery of God, one and three, transcendent and immanent, greater than our hearts and yet closer to us than we are to ourselves, wordless prayer is fitting. And yet…the Mysterious Silence has been broken, if not by “mere” words then certainly by the Word made flesh, whose Spirit has been poured into our hearts.
God, beyond our minds and ideas, our hearts and our feelings, we believe absolutely in your love for each and for all. Let your astonishing love kindle in our inner selves a response of love and wonder. Amen.
Collection R 6 059, 20 Planned Giving R 2 108, 88
Southern Cross R 100, 00 Priests Medical Fund R 500, 00
Thank you most sincerely for your generosity!
- THE SOUTHERN CROSS NEWSPAPER – Comrades runners raised R280 000 for Radio Veritas; 100 Year old Priest has four sons – all priests; Highlights of a Pilgrimage to Rome; Cause for John Bradburne to launch in September; Nthabiseng Mapisa on women and work. THE EDITORIAL: Driving out Holy Land’s Christians.
- WINTER HAS ARRIVED … COLD WEATHER … DISTRIBUTION TIME OF OUR WOOLEN ITEMS. Anik Broadhurst is asking for any items that have been knitted with the wool that was given out at the beginning of the year. Please contact her on 021 4396987 or 0839771099 for collection. Any unused wool will also be collected.
- THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION is celebrated on 16th June at 10h00. We congratulate Aiden Ashbury, Sarah Bester, Emma Leyshon, Alton Magure, Bianca Okafor and Ginika Okafor on their reception and celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation. To our new Confirmandi and their respective families we want to wish them all the very best in their endeavours to be active witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Please note: THE STATE OF THE NATION ADDRESS will occur on 20th June 2019. The Chancery, the Cathedral and the Cathedral Office will be closed on that day.
- THE SACRAMENT OF FIRST HOLY COMMUNION is celebrated on 23rd June at 10h00
- The Women’s Choir from Cologne Cathedral will be singing at the 17h00 Holy Mass in the Cathedral on Sunday 18th They will give a short concert after the Mass.
Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church at least SIX MONTHS notice of your intention to do so. Please contact the Cathedral office to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry and to arrange the required Marriage Preparation Classes.
The Banns of Upcoming Marriages
03rd August @ 14h00 Rudiger Moser & Kim Moser Convalidation
- MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND on 19 -21 July 2019. It is a weekend to gives couples an opportunity to rekindle the flames of romance. Just call Graham or Patuele on 084 502 3805 or 076 930 3818
- TAIZE PILGRIMAGE: The Taize Community here in Cape Town is hosting a pilgrimage from 25th to 29th September 2019. All parishes are supporting this initiative and our parish has been asked to host 30 to 50 young people from 18 to 35 years of age by giving them a place to sleep and a light breakfast. They will be collected from this area to be transported by bus to the pilgrimage venue in Rondebosch, where they will take part in a full day’s programme. They will be given lunch and supper there and be transported back to the parish at approximately 9 pm. If you able to accommodate at least 2 people please would you contact Margie Cook on 0824618607.
God, our Father, through our baptism, you invite us into relationship with the person of Jesus, in which we are to become like him and to do what he does.
We ask you to open the hearts and minds of young men and women to living in this relationship with Jesus, so that they may hear his call on their lives and may respond generously.
May those who are discerning a vocation to priesthood or the religious life be guided by the Holy Spirit, so that they can know how best to serve you and to respond to your call.
May they have the courage to say “yes” to serve you and to become instruments to spread the Good News of your Son, Jesus Christ. He who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.
The Cathedral Parish is completely committed to ensuring the safety of our children. For further information consult the website of the Archdiocese: using the Ministries Tab or contact our Parochial Coordinator, Margie Cook on 0824618607.