Thought for the day

In our deepest selves, each of us is a mystery: Where do I come from?  Where am I going?  Why am I here?  How should I live?  The risk in our present culture is to sleepwalk through life, to be satisfied with a merely material existence. But the human “project” is much greater. Each of us is really on a pilgrimage, or better on a quest — a quest to become my true self, in the image and likeness of God.  My truest self is found by being open to God, in whom we live and move and have our being.  By following that star, by listening to our conscience and inner selves, we come home to God.


 You are the mystery at the heart all that exists: draw us to yourself, O Lord, that knowing you we find our true selves, and finding our true selves, we may come to know you.





Collections                  R 7 606, 60            Planned Giving            R   6 950, 00

Southern Cross         R    160, 00             Calendars                      R      370, 00

Thank you most sincerely for your generosity!


  1. IN THE SOUTHERN CROSS THIS WEEKEND – What South Africa can expect in 2019; New Johannesburg Priest guided by Mary; After Divorce, we must show compassion; Recalling World Youth Days in the 90’s; Who was the worst ever Pope. EDITORIAL – Our Prayers for 2019.


The Banns of Upcoming Marriages

12 January     @ 14h00           Enrique Jaipal & Kim Riley


Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church at least six months notice of your intent to get married.  Please contact the Cathedral office to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry.



12th & 13th January      Catechetics Sign-up Weekend.  All parents and or  guardians must please register their children for Catechism Instructions in the parish.  You will have an opportunity to do so at all the Mass Centres in the parish.

 19th January at 09h00 Morning of Recollection and Training for everyone involved in ministry in the parish.  Join the team from the Centre for Pastoral Development at Lansdowne Parish Hall.  Guest speaker is Father Peter-John Pearson, Vicar General of the Archdiocese.  The cost is R30 and please bring your own mug for coffee/tea.  Please RSVP to

Sharyn on 021 462 2417

19th & 20th January      Address to the Parish Regarding the Parish Finances.  This will take place at the end of all the weekend Masses.  We request all parishioners please to remain after the final hymn.  

27th January                 Catechist Sunday – Recommissioning of Catechists

01st February               Holy Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral at 13h10 to  mark the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act by  Parliament on 01st February 1997.

 03rd February               Catechists Fundraising after the 10h00 Holy Mass

23rd February               An Introductory Session for anyone interested in Discerning for the Priesthood or Religious Life or maybe just curious about what such a vocation might entail.  The venue is the Chancery (Cathedral Place),  behind the Cathedral and it will be from 10h00 until 12h30.




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