Thought for the day

Today we have a chance to reflect on the mystery of our own families!  It really is a bit of mystery, how we mostly come out okay from this most intense and formative of experiences.  We receive so much that we really want to ponder and to treasure.  We can also be burdened by attitudes and traits that we might well wish we were without.  Yet, through it all, we are grateful.  Family is our “first love” and never really loses its importance for us.


Bless all our families. We thank you for the very gift of life itself we have through our parents and for all the other many gifts we receive from our families. We have received so much: help us to continue to give. Help us too to know what to overlook and forget, to pay attention to what can be healed and forgiven, and through it all to continue to love. Amen.






Collections                  R 7 724, 80            Planned Giving            R   5 037, 77

Southern Cross         R      60, 00            Advent Appeal             R   5 196, 00

Calendars                    R    350, 00            Christmas                      R 20 315, 90

Thank you most sincerely for your generosity!


  1. PLEASE NOTE THAT LITURGICAL CALENDARS FOR 2019 are on sale at R20 each.


The Banns of Upcoming Marriages

 12 January     @ 14h00           Enrique Jaipal & Kim Riley


Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church at least six months notice of your intent to get married.  Please contact the Cathedral office to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry.




31st Dec. at 08h00        Holy Mass                                           Villa Maria

                 at 09h00        Holy Mass                                           Nazareth House

at 23h55        Holy Mass                                           Cathedral


01st Jan. at 08h00        Holy Mass                                           Villa Maria

                at 09h00         Holy Mass                                           Nazareth House


02nd January                Normal Mass times resumes in all three Mass Centres



12th & 13th January      Catechetics Sign-up Weekend.  All parents and or guardians must please register their children for Catechism

Instructions in the parish.  You will have an opportunity to do so at all the Mass Centres in the parish.

19th January at 09h00 Morning of Recollection and Training for everyone involved in ministry in the parish.  Join the team from

the Centre for Pastoral Development at Lansdowne Parish Hall.  Guest speaker is Father Peter-John Pearson, Vicar General of the Archdiocese.

The cost is R30 and please bring your own mug for coffee/tea.  Please RSVP to Sharyn on 021 462 2417

19th & 20th January      Address to the Parish Regarding the Parish Finances.  This will take place at the end of all the weekend


27th January                 Catechist Sunday

01st February               Holy Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral at 13h10 to mark the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act by

Parliament on 01st February 1997.

 03rd February               Catechists Fundraising after the 10h00 Holy Mass

23rd February               An Introductory Session for anyone interested in Discerning for the Priesthood or Religious Life or

maybe just curious about what such a vocation might entail.  The venue is the Chancery (Cathedral Place), behind the Cathedral and it

will be from 10h00 until 12h30.



I am looking for an accommodation.  I would be grateful if the parish placed my concern on parish notices.  I have been living from backpackers to backpackers which has been very expensive and difficult for me.  I have been sharing dormitory with sex workers, dealers and drug users.  There is not a bit of security in these places.

In the Lord

Antonio Capalandanda

Cell 0810467233


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