Thought for the day

Today we celebrate the community of faith, being in communion with all the saints, a day of both thanksgiving and vision.  Thanksgiving because of the example and inspiration of the saints, who have come to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ (Eph 4:13).  Vision because our Gospel today describes the path we must take to make the same journey home to God. If we wish to join the saints both now and into eternity, we must make our own the “mission statement” of Jesus, which is the Sermon on the Mount and especially the opening invitation to true happiness.


 Jesus you are our teacher within and today we ask your help. Just as you have brought our brothers and sisters to full maturity in you, so also guide us and be with us as we walk your Way. By your grace, may we too be counted among saints in the present moment and in the life to come

 Divine Office – Week III



Collections           R 6 830, 90      Planned Giving        R 9 487, 77     

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 Thank you most sincerely for your generosity!


  1. THE SOUTHERN CROSS – Church Leaders condemn state plundering; The future of South Africa’s Religious Orders; Eight more of the Top 40 Marian Shrines; Humour in Life and Faith; When driving, be a saint. EDITORIAL – The Vigano Papers
  1. PLEASE NOTE THAT LITURGICAL CALENDARS FOR 2019 are on sale at R20 each.


The Banns of Upcoming Marriages 

24 November @ 11h00      Miles Arendse & Candice Cornelissen

24 November @ 12h00      Brendan Shunmugan & Lauren Page

01 December @ 14h00      Matthew Guerreiro & Lara-Ann Ramos

15 December @ 14h00      Terence Atkins & Valnay Jones

22 December @ 11h00      Adrian de Beer & Andreina Salazar                    Convalidation

29 December                        Michael Kyazze & Margaret Nantongo


Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church at least six months notice of your intent to get married.  Please contact the Cathedral office to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry. 



10th November                     EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR at Villa Maria Shrine in Tamboerskloof from 16h00 until 17h00.  The purpose is to pray for the intentions of all priests.  Please contact Astrid Castenfelt on 083 999 2984

18th November                     HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS CAMPAIGN will be presented to all the Catechism Children in the Leslie Johnson Memorial Centre from 08h30 until 09h30.  All Interested parties are hereby invited to attend.

24th November                     ROYAL SCHOOL OF CHURCH MUSIC will be having a workshop in the Cathedral from 14h00 until 17h00.  Thereafter, the participants will be responsible for the music ministry at the 18h00 Holy Mass.

24th – 25th November          MORTUARY LIST SECOND COLLECTION.  Please note that during the month of November you will be afforded the opportunity to submit names of your deceased relatives and friends to be added to the Parish’s Mortuary List.  Weekly masses are celebrated in the parish for their repose.

01st December at 10h30     WORLD AIDS DAY – The Archdiocesan Healthcare Association invites everyone to join them for the Celebration of Holy Mass at the Cathedral to pray for all those who are either affected or infected by HIV/AIDS

02nd December at 10h00    SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM.  Parents and Guardians please register for Baptism through any of the Clergy.  Baptism Instruction Class on Thursday 29th November at 19h00

08th December at 19h30    CHRISTMAS CONCERT AT THE CATHEDRAL.  Entrance Fee/Tickets is R50 per person 

09th December at 19h00    ADVENT CAROLS AND LESSONS at the Cathedral, led by the Choir of St Michael’s and All Angels Anglican Church, Observatory.

13th December at 18h00    ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CONCERT HOSTED BY THE ITALIAN CONSULATE followed by a short reception in the Leslie Johnson Memorial Centre.

20th December at 19h00    PARISH PENITENTIAL SERVICE at Nazareth House Main Chapel

24th December at 00h00    CHRISTMAS MIDNIGHT MASS at the Cathedral and Nazareth House respectively.

25th December  at 07h30   Christmas Day Mass – Villa Maria

                            at 08h45     Christmas Day Mass – Nazareth House

at 10h00     Christmas Day Mass – The Cathedral         


 ** Please note that for our Christmas Midnight Mass this year at The Metropolitan Cathedral, the Mass setting is Messe Solenelle, Opus 16 by Louis Vierne.  Composed in 1899 and published in 1900, it was first performed at Saint-Sulpice, Paris in December 1901.


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