Thought for the day
The journey towards faith has many dimensions. Firstly, there is our need (expressed in the Gospel as blindness). Secondly, the courage to name our need, even in the face of opposition. Next comes our encounter with Jesus and our cry for help, guidance, healing. Naming our need is insisted upon by Jesus as an essential step, because faith is so much more than believing lots of doctrines. More fundamentally, it is an act of trust, a putting of myself in relationship and being able to receive from God whatever it is we need. This is the faith which makes us well.
God, our light and hope, be our guide on the path of life and on the way of faith. Help us to be aware of our blindness, especially when we think we can see. With your healing touch, may we be filled with light and joy. Amen.
Divine Office – Week II
Collections R 8 001, 00 Planned Giving R 5 657, 77
Southern Cross R 100, 00 Mission Sunday R 3 053, 90
Thank you most sincerely for your generosity!
- Farewell for Fr. Celestine on Sunday 28th October after the 10h00 Holy Mass. Parishioners are invited to a bring and share.
- SECOND COLLECTION next weekend is in aid of the PRISON OUTREACH MINISTRY. We welcome members of the Prison Outreach Ministry who will address us at the end of our weekend Masses.
- THE SOUTHERN CROSS – Cardinal Napier: Parishes can learn from youth; At home in the Universal Church; What we can do for souls in Purgatory; Eight more of Top 40 Marian Shrines; Fr. Ron Rolheiser on giving up anger. EDITORIAL – How to do Halloween
The Banns of Upcoming Marriages
02 November @ 14h30 Alberto-Maria Bernadi & Sonia Ramautar Convalidation
03 November @ 12h00 David Madlala & Jodi Gordon
24 November @ 11h00 Miles Arendse & Candice Cornelissen
24 November @ 12h00 Brendan Shunmugan & Lauren Page
01 December @ 14h00 Matthew Guerreiro & Lara-Ann Ramos
15 December @ 14h00 Terence Atkins & Valnay Jones
22 December @ 11h00 Adrian de Beer & Andreina Salazar Convalidation
29 December Michael Kyazze & Margaret Nantongo
Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church at least six months notice of your intent to get married. Please contact the Cathedral office to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry.
CLERGY TRANSFER NEWS –Fr. Luigi Benigni, the new assistant priest at the Cathedral will arrive on 05th November.
01st November at 11h00 ANNUAL MASS FOR DECEASED CLERGY, RELIGIOUS AND BENEFACTORS at St Michael’s Catholic Church, Rondebosch.
02nd November ALL SOULS DAY – Please note that the Mass schedule is as follows: 06h45 Villa Maria
07h00 Nazareth House (Main Chapel)
09h00 Nazareth House (Residents Chapel)
13h10 The Cathedral
19h00 The Cathedral**
**At the 19h00 Holy Mass for All Souls Day at the Cathedral, The Requiem Mass Setting arranged by Jeremy Quickfall will be sung by the Choir of Christ Church Constantia
03rd November at 15h00 FUNDRISING HIGH TEA AT THE LESLIE JOHNSON MEMORIAL CENTRE. Gather together with friends and family to relax and enjoy an afternoon of refreshments and entertainment. There are also lots of prizes to be won, so remember to bring your ticket with you! Tickets are on sale for R80 at the Church entrances you may contact Eloise Baker on 082 957 6631.
04th November SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM at the 10h00 Holy Mass.
10th November EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR at Villa Maria Shrine in Tamboerskloof from 16h00 until 17h00. The purpose is to pray for the intentions of all priests. Please contact Astrid Castenfelt on 083 999 2984
24th November ROYAL SCHOOL OF CHURCH MUSIC will be having a workshop in the Cathedral from 14h00 until 17h00. Thereafter, the participants will be responsible for the music ministry at the 18h00 Holy Mass.
24th – 25th November MORTUARY LIST SECOND COLLECTION. Please note that during the month of November you will be afforded the opportunity to submit names of your deceased relatives and friends to be added to the Parish’s Mortuary List. Weekly masses are celebrated in the parish for their repose.
01st December at 10h30 WORLD AIDS DAY – The Archdiocesan Healthcare Association invites everyone to join them for the Celebration of Holy Mass at the Cathedral to pray for all those who are either affected or infected by HIV/AIDS
09th December at 19h00 ADVENT CAROLS AND LESSONS at the Cathedral, led by the Choir of St Michael’s and All Angels Anglican Church, Observatory.
20th December at 19h00 PARISH PENITENTIAL SERVICE at Nazareth House Main Chapel
Please note that for our Christmas Midnight Mass this year at The Metropolitan Cathedral, the mass setting is Messe Solenelle, Opus 16 by Louis Vierne.
Composed in 1899 and published in 1900, it was first performed at Saint-Sulpice, Paris in December 1901.