1st Reading: Revelation 7:2-4.9-14. Resp. Psalm: Psalm 24:1-6. R/. These are the people who seek your face; O Lord.
2nd Reading: 1 John 3:1-3. Gospel Acclamation: Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, says the Lord. Gospel: Matthew 51-12.
Saturday | 02/11 | 09h00 | Nazareth House | Fr Robert | Fr John Bartmann |
18h00 | Cathedral | Fr Christian | Jose Felix Rebelo – RIP | ||
Sunday | 03/11 | 07h30 | Villa Maria | Fr Robert | Missa pro Populo |
08h45 | Nazareth House | Fr Christian | Wanda de Silva Toledo | ||
10h00 | Cathedral | Fr Robert | Patrick Pillay | ||
17h00 | Cathedral | Fr Christian | Pope Francis | ||
Monday | 04/11 | 07h00 | Villa Maria | Fr Christian | The success of the AAG |
13h10 | Cathedral | Fr Christian | Hunt KS & ER Special Intention | ||
Tuesday | 05/11 | 07h00 | Nazareth House | Fr Christian | Arthur Mapswayi – RIP |
13h10 | Cathedral | Fr Charles | |||
Wednesday | 06/11 | 07h00 | Villa Maria | Fr Christian | Teixeira Family |
13h10 | Cathedral | Fr Manuel | |||
Thursday | 07/11 | 07h00 | Nazareth House | Fr Christian | Manuel Saldanha RIP |
13h10 | Cathedral | Fr Charles | |||
Friday | 08/11 | 07h00 | Villa Maria | Fr Christian | Mortuary List |
13h10 | Cathedral | Fr John | |||
Saturday | 09/11 | 09h00 | Nazareth House | Fr Robert | Pope Francis |
18h00 | Cathedral | Fr Christian | Jose Felix Rebelo RIP | ||
Sunday | 10/11 | 07h30 | Villa Maria | Fr Christian | |
08h45 | Nazareth House | Fr Robert | Missa pro Populo | ||
10h00 | Cathedral | Fr Christian | |||
17h00 | Cathedral | Fr Robert | Deceased Priests |
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: Michelle, Gabriela, Gemma, Alysa, Mervette, Midred, Blessings, Kiara, and Mikyla. Congratulations on your First Holy Communion. May the blessings of Christ be upon you always!
SECOND COLLECTION: This weekend the second collection will be in aid of the Prison Ministry in the Archdiocese. Envelopes are available at the entrance of the church.
ALTAR SERVER TRAINING AND MEETING: On Saturday, 9 November from 10h00 to 12h30 at the Cathedral, Altar Server training and a meeting will be taking place.
The Youth will be hosting a Cake Sale to raise funds on Sunday 10th November after the 10h00 Mass in the Parish Hall. This will be combined with the Parish “Meet and Greet” sharing a cup of tea or coffee with other parishioners (FREE tea and coffee).
Donations of any form such as cakes, tarts, cupcakes, biscuits, swiss rolls, miniature pies, samoosas etc will be greatly appreciated. We look forward to seeing you there and sharing a cup of tea or coffee with you. Any queries contact
FAITH SHARING GROUPS: Join one for 3 weeks in November for the “Lord, Teach Us To Pray” Course developed by the Archdiocese of Cape Town to prepare for the Jubilee Year.
Sundays: (10th, 17th, 24th) at 11h00 in the Parish Hall. Contact Ronald 083 732 5744
Sundays: (10th, 17th 24th) at 08h45 in the Hall for Youth. Contact Evadne 084 874 9137
Mondays: (11th. 18th, 25th) at 10h00 at 14A Deerpark Drive. Contact Margie 082 461 8607
Tuesdays: (12th, 19th, 26th) at 10h00 at Villa Maria. Contact Sr Glynis 079 414 2511
Wednesdays: (13th, 20th, 27th) at 10h00 at Nazareth House. Contact Bernadette 072 772 6590
Wednesdays: (13th, 20th, 27th) at 19h00 at 13 Bath St, Tamboerskloof. Contact Michael 082 493 8493
MORTUARY LISTS: Each year during the month of November, an opportunity is given to parishioners to have the names of their deceased family and friends inscribed on the Mortuary List for whom weekly Masses are offered up. Envelopes and sheets of paper are available at the entrance of the church.
WORLD POOR DAY: On Saturday, 16 November at 09h00 the SVDP are preparing sandwiches in the Parish Hall, to be distributed in the area on Sunday 17 November. Parishioners assistance would be greatly appreciated and is desperately needed. Please bring along your bread knife and something to put on the sandwiches …”many hands make light work” Donations toward the sandwiches are also very welcome! This is a wonderful opportunity to show solidarity with the poor and marginalised and to recognise the reality around us. Let us come together as parishioners and mark this conscientizing day and together make a difference.
Fr Robert will be making his annual retreat from 4-8 November and Fr Christian from 11-16 November. Please keep them in your prayers. There will be different priests for the Lunchtime Mass each day. We thank them for their availability.
Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us in your Son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your kingdom.
May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven. May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the
earth. To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever, Amen.
COMMUNAL ACT OF THANKSGIVING O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine! All praise and all thanksgiving, be every moment thine. (X3) |
We are always thankful to all those who contribute financially each week.Please prayerfully consider making a donation as it does benefit our parish in many important ways. You are also welcome to use SnapScan to make a donation. Banking details: Standard Bank Name: St Marys Cathedral Current Account Branch code: 020 909 Account number: 071 564 780 |