1st Reading: Genesis 3:9-15.  Resp. Psalm: Psalm 130:1-8.

R/. With the Lord there is mercy, in him is plentiful redemption.

2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:13.5:1.  Gospel Acclamation:  Now shall the ruler of this world be cast out, says the Lord; and I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.

Gospel: Mark 3:20-35.

NOTICE:  Persons that would like to contact Father Robert Bissell privately email cathedral.adct@gmail.com

ZIMBABWEAN CHOIR PRACTICE:   On Sunday, 25th May from 12h00 – 16h00 (and every Sunday until the 09th June) the Zimbabwean Choir will have a practice session in the Parish Hall. The Cathedral Community wishes all the best and a safe journey to the Zimbabwean Choir in the competition that will be on the weekend of the 15th of June in Gauteng.

YOUTH DAY CELEBRATION:  On Monday, 17th June at Our Lady Help of Christians, Lansdowne.  Starting with Mass at 10h00, follow by activities and treats until 13h00.  Parishes must register via the link. https://forms.gle/fSN14jXi78uFJCCs9

THE SCHOENSTATT GIRLS WINTER CAMP: From the 25th – 28th of July, to the 24th – 27th of July at The Schoenstatt Conference Centre, Constantia.  Ages 13+, cost R500,  For Booking contact Sr. Ann Marie on 079 147 6968 or Micaela on 064 526 5433 or email. schoenstattgirls@gmail.com

RETROVAILLE (A Lifeline for Married Couples):  No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.  Next programme date from 13-15th September 2024.  For more information See Poster on Notice Board or to register:  www.HelpOurMarriage.org, 5019r@helpourmarriage.org or +27 71 299 7028. 

CLERGY ANNOUNCMENTS: Father Robert will be doing a Pilgrim to Lourdens, Fatima and Rome from the 30th September to 12th October 2024.  There are still two places available for anyone that is interested. 

To be said after Holy Communion:

O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine! All praise and all thanksgiving, be every moment thine. (X3)

We are always thankful to all those who contribute financially each week.Please prayerfully consider making a donation as it does benefit our parish in many important ways. You are also welcome to use SnapScan to make a donation.

Banking details: Standard Bank Name: St Marys Cathedral/Current AccountBranch code: 020 909Account number:     071 564 780 

In a world often divided by differences, let us heed His words and strive for unity. Just as branches are connected to the vine, we are interconnected in our shared humanity. Through love, we find strength, compassion, and the power to overcome any obstacle. In our interactions this week, let’s reflect on how we can embody Christ’s love in our words and actions, fostering unity and harmony wherever we go.  May the love of Christ unite us all as we continue to grow in faith and service.

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