1st Reading:  Wisdom 6:12-16.  Resp. Psalm:  Ps  63:2-8.  ℟:  For you my soul is thirsting, O Lord, my God. 

2nd Reading:   1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.  Gospel acclamation:   Watch, therefore, and be ready; the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect. Gospel:  Matthew 25:1-13.

MORTUARY LIST:  The annual Mortuary List for 2024 will be taken up as from now until   Sunday, 19th November. Please hand in your list together with your money offering (recommended minimum donation R100). Lists and envelopes are available at the entrance marked “Mortuary List”.


A reminder on Saturday, 11th November starting with First Confessions at 09h00 and First Holy Communion Confessions at 10h00 follow by a practice run for the candidates for the Sunday Mass. 

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION:  On Sunday, 12th November at the 10h00 Mass.  

DECEASED CLERGY MASS: On Thursday 23 November at St Michael’s Catholic Church, Rondebosch at 11:00 am. 

RCIA 2024: The new cycle of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) will start on the First Sunday of Advent (3 December 2023) at 09h00. All those wishing to convert to Catholicism, those adults who have not been confirmed, and all those wanting to learn more about the faith are welcome to attend. Please note that the next cycle will only start in Advent 2024.  

SCHOENSTATT GIRLS:  Advent is fast approaching and the Schoenstatt Girl’s Youth will be hosting their annual Advent fun day for Girls, aged between 8 and 13 on the 2nd of December at Schoenstatt Constantia. Please see the notice board for further information.

INSTAGRAM:  The St Mary’s Instagram account has officially been launched. Link:

The Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary wish to inform you that Sister M. Doreen Stöckinger passed away peacefully on Sunday, 5 November 2023 – the day on which the feast of the All Saints was celebrated in South Africa. She was 87 years old. May she rest in peace.

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