1st Reading:  1Kings 19:9.11-13.  Resp. Psalm:  Ps  85:9-14.  ℟:  Let us see, O Lord, your mercy, and grant us your salvation.  2nd Reading:  Romans 9:1-5.

Gospel acclamation: I wait for the Lord, in his word I hope; Gospel:  Matthew 14:22-33.

SVP WINTER DRIVE: The SVP is urgently looking for donations of warm second hand clothing, jerseys, jackets scarves, beanies etc. Also second hand blankets. Non-perishable items tinned foods, sugar, coffee, tea, porridge, cup of soup, oil, pasta etc. All goods can be dropped off at the Parish office or the Cathedral.

CATECHETICAL FORMATION PROGRAMME (CFP):  On Saturday the 12th August from 09h00 – 13h00 at the Leslie Johnson Centre.

CATHEDRAL CLEANING: In preparation for the confirmations we will spring-clean the Cathedral on Saturday 19th August at 10h00. I would be grateful if all parishioners could lend a hand in the upkeep of their church. 

SHONA MASS:  Celebration of Marian Guild Mass will be offered up on the 20th August at 12h00 at the Cathedral.

CONFIRMATION:  Confirmationwill be taken place on Saturday, 26th August at 18h00 at the Cathedral. Please keep the following candidates in your prayers as they prepare to receive this important sacrament: Angel Khosah, Jose Opincai, Joseane da Silva, Lisa-Rayne Watson, Michaela Bowers, Michael Kuriyazi, and Nicole Riches.

ST MARY’S PRIMARY SCHOOL 160th ANNIVERSARY: This month the school will celebrate its 160th anniversary since its establishment in 1863. We congratulate all learners, parents, and staff.

 SNAPSCAN: Seeing that many people do not carry cash (for

security reasons) the PFC has decided to register the parish for

SnapScan. Contributions towards the Sunday collection (only

for the first collection towards the parish) can be made via

the app at any time. The QR codes are available at the entrance

or on the collection boxes. Alternatively please use the following


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