1st Reading: Acts 2:1-11. Resp. Psalm:  Ps 104: ℟: Lord, send fourth your spirit, and renew the face of the earth.  

2nd Reading:  1 Corinthians 12:3-7.12-13. Gospel acclamation: Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful; and kindle in them the fire of your love. Gospel: John 20:19-23.

CANCELLATION OF WEEKDAY MASSES: There will be no Mass at Villa Maria on Tuesday 30 May and Wednesday 31 May. Alternatively you can attend the Masses at Nazareth House or the lunchtime Masses at the Cathedral.

AFRICA DAY MASS: We celebrate a special Africa Day Mass on Pentecost Sunday (28 May) at 10h00 at the Cathedral. Please come in traditional attire to celebrate the diversity of our community.

SECOND COLLECTION:  This weekend a Second Collection towards the Priests’ Medical Fund will be taken up at all Masses.

ZIMBABWEAN CHOIR:  Reminder of Zimbabwe Choir Training on Sunday, 28 May from 11h30 to 13h30 in the Parish Hall.

RCIA: The new RCIA classes will start on Sunday (Pentecost), 28 May 2023 at 09h00 in the parish hall.

NAZARETH SISTERS’ FINAL PROFESSION: on Wednesday 31 May at 10h00. There will be no 07h00 Mass at Nazareth House that morning.

SHONA MASS: on Sunday, 04th June at 12h00 at the Cathedral.

YOUTH DAY 2023:  All Youth, Young Adults, Leaders and those involved in Youth ministry are encouraged to attend our upcoming Youth Day Celebration on Friday 16 June at Our Lady Help of Christians, Lansdowne. The Celebration will start with Mass at 10am in the church followed by some food and fun activities in the hall until 13:30. Please bring donations of sanitary pads and stationery which will be given to Youth in need.  All interested persons contact Zaine Perry: 079 582 6098.

RENOVATIONS OF THE CATHEDRAL: Besides the external paint job, the roof, some roof trusses, and gutters of the Cathedral need to be replaced within the next few months. If you have any fundraising suggestions please speak to a member of the finance council (Michael Baker, Cardmore Chiro, Angela Klement, Rose Chalackal or Michelle Perry).

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