1st Reading: Acts 2:14.36-41. Resp. Psalm:  Ps 23:1-6. ℟:  The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.   2nd Reading:  1 Peter 2:20-25.

Gospel acclamation: I am the good shepherd, says the Lord; I know my own, and my own know me.  Gospel: John 10:1-10.

FR DOMINIC’S DAY OFF: Please note that Fr Dominic is off on Tuesdays. The office is open in the morning, please direct all communication to the secretary on Tuesdays.

WORKERS’ DAY: On Monday the 1st of May is a public holiday. Please note that there will be no lunch time Mass at the Cathedral. Masses are at 08h00 at Villa Maria and 09h00 at Nazareth House.

RCIA APPLICATIONS: are now open for those who would like to become Catholics or complete their confirmation (over the age of 18). Forms are available in the foyer. Please complete it and return it to Fr Dominic. Classes will start after Easter.

ECCLESIASTICAL EDUCATION FUND:  Weekend of 29 – 30 April 2023 a Second Collection will be taken up at all the Masses. Envelopes are available at the entrance of the church.

RENOVATIONS OF THE CATHEDRAL: Besides the external paint job, the roof, some roof trusses, and gutters of the Cathedral need to be replaced within the next few months. If you have any fundraising suggestions please speak to a member of the finance council (Michael Baker, Cardmore Chiro, Angela Clement, Rose Chalackal or Michelle Perry).

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