1st Reading: Acts 2:42-47. Resp. Psalm:  Ps 118:2-4.13-15.22-24. ℟:  Give praise to the Lord, for he is good; his mercy endures forever.  2nd Reading:  1 Peter 1:3-9

Gospel acclamation: You believed, Thomas, because you have not seen and yet believe.  Gospel: John 20:19-31.

THANK YOU: from St Mary’s Primary School for the donation of over 320 litres of milk and R1200 from the sale of Easter chickens and the Easter raffle. This will go a long way this term to support their Breakfast Club which feeds the children nourishing e’Pap and fruit before they begin their lessons.

RCIA APPLICATIONS: are now open for those who would like to become Catholics or complete their confirmation (over the age of 18). Forms are available in the foyer. Please complete it and return it to Fr Dominic. Classes will start after Easter.

THE SVP MEETING:  A friendly reminder for next week Saturday 22nd April 2023 at 10h00 in the Leslie Johnson Centre (Parish Hall).   

SCHOENSTATT GIRLS: will be hosting another Fun Day for girls aged between 8 and 13 years on Saturday 22nd April at Schoenstatt Constantia. These days are always special bringing youth from many parishes across our Archdiocese together! See poster on the notice board for further information.

ECCLESIASTICAL EDUCATION FUND:  Weekend of 29-30 April 2023 a Second Collection will be taken up at all the Masses. Envelopes are available at the entrance of the church.

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