1st Reading: Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7. Resp. Psalm:  Ps 51:3-6.12-14.17 ℟:  Have mercy, O Lord, for we have sinned.  2nd Reading:  Romans 5:12-19. Gospel acclamation:  Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.  Gospel: Matthew 4:1-11.

HOLY HOUR FOR OUR COUNTRY AND THE WORLD: Every Friday from 12 noon until 13h00 with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and benediction followed by Holy Mass at 13h10.

PROCLAIMERS OF THE WORD: Anyone that would to join this ministry please contact Zaine Perry.

ALMS GIVING DURING LENT: Our parish will once again be supporting the Feeding Scheme at St Mary’s School. Please bring much needed donations of long life full cream boxes of milk to any of our 3 churches and we will transport them to the school.

LENTEN FAITH SHARING: Join a group on Mondays at 10h00 beginning on 20 February (contact Margie 0824618607) or on Wednesdays at 19h00 beginning on 1 March (contact Michael 0824938493).

LENTEN APPEAL: There will be a second collection every weekend during the Season of Lent, Envelopes are available at the entrances. 

ORGAN AND SOPRANO CONCERT: The Consulate of Italy in Cape Town cordially invites you to an Italian Organ and Soprano Concert at St Mary’s Cathedral on Wednesday 1 March at 18:30. To book, please follow the link:

FATIMA MOVIE SCREENING: on Thursday 23 March, 19h00-21h00 at Nazareth House (parish room), light refreshments being served. All are welcome.


Every parishioner and visitor is please asked to fill in the Parish Culture Survey online before the end of February by using the following link:

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