First Reading: Isaiah 7:10-14. Resp. Psalm: Ps 24:1-6. ℟: Let him enter; he is the king of glory.  Second Reading: Romans 1:1-7. Gospel acclamation:   Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son; and his name shall be called Emmanuel: God is with us.  Gospel: Matthew 1:18-24.

THE ARCHBISHOP’S ADVENT APPEAL: There will be a second collection on all the Sunday of Advent for the Pastoral and Building needs of the Archdiocese.  Please take your set of envelopes that is available at the entrance. 

SVP FOOD DRIVE: The St Vincent de Paul Society has started a “bring a tin to Mass” drive for those in our parish for whom Christmas will be bleak given the price of food. More info can be found on the poster in the foyer.

ADVENT ADORATION: Every Tuesday in Advent from 19h00 – 20h00 at the Schoenstatt Shrine at Villa Maria (Kloofnek Road) followed by bring-and-share snacks.

CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION (Lessons and Carols): Due to stage 6 loadshedding this will take place on Sunday 18 December at 15h00, not at 19h00!!!!!

PENITENTIAL SERVICE: Wednesday 21 December at 18h00 at Nazareth House.

DONATIONS/PLANNED GIVING/TITHES: We are thankful to all those who are contributing weekly to the collection. Please prayerfully consider making a donation or joining the Planned Giving instead to help us budget.

Banking details: St Marys Cathedral, Standard Bank, Account number: 071 564 780.

CHRISTMAS EVE MASS TIMES: Cathedral and Nazareth House at 20h00. No other Masses on 24 December. No 17h00 Mass on Christmas Day.        

NEW YEAR’S EVE MASS: Saturday 31 December at 20h00 at the Cathedral.

There will be no lunch time Masses at the Cathedral from 26 December 2022 to 6 January 2023.                         

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