First Reading: Sirach 35:12-14.16-18; Resp. Psalm: Ps 34:2-3.17.19-23, ℟: The lowly one called, and the Lord heard him. Second Reading: 2 Timothy 4:6-8.16-18; Gospel Acclamation: God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, and entrusting us the message of reconciliation. Gospel: Luke 18:9-14.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: Elections for the new PPC will be held this weekend at all the Masses. Please consult the posters for details on the 14 candidates. All registered and confirmed parishioners are eligible to vote. You are allowed to vote for a maximum number of five candidates.
DONATIONS/PLANNED GIVING/TITHES: We are thankful to all those who are contributing weekly to the collection. Please prayerfully consider making a donation or joining the Planned Giving instead to help us budget.
Banking details: St Marys Cathedral, Standard Bank, Account number: 071 564 780.
BAPTISMS: The next baptisms of infants will take place on Saturday 29 October 2022. Also note that the Baptism Preparation Class will take place on Wednesday,
26 October at 19h00 in the Parish Hall. Deadline for baptism registration forms is the 25 October 2022.
SECOND COLLECTION: A second collection for Mission Sunday will be taken up at all the Masses this weekend. Envelopes are made available at the entrance.
CATECHISTS FUNDRAISING: Doughnuts will be on sale after the 10h00 Mass this weekend. Please support.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are appealing for parishioners to please come forward to help clean the Cathedral on a regular basis. The first cleaning operation is planned for Saturday 29 October at 10:00.