First Reading: Amos 6:1.4-7; Resp. Psalm: Ps 146:7-10, ℟: My so8ul, give praise to the Lord! Second Reading: 1Timothy 6:11-16; Gospel Acclamation: Though Jesus Christ was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich. Gospel: Luke 16:19-31.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: Elections for the new PPC will be held on the weekend of 22/23 October at all the Masses. Please consult the posters for details on the 14 candidates. All registered and confirmed parishioners are eligible to vote.
DONATIONS/PLANNED GIVING/TITHES: We are thankful to all those who are contributing weekly to the collection. Please prayerfully consider making a donation or joining the Planned Giving instead to help us budget.
Banking details: St Marys Cathedral, Standard Bank, Account number: 071 564 780.
WEDDINGS: Please note that the rules of the Archdiocese require a minimum of six months’ notice to be given to your parish priest (Fr Dominic) before getting married.
BAPTISMS: The next baptisms of infants will take place on Saturday 29 October 2022.
Also note that the Baptism Preparation Class will take place on Wednesday, 26 October at 19h00 in the Parish Hall.
SECOND COLLECTION: Priests’ Provident Fund Collection will be taken up this weekend at all Masses.
FESTIVAL OF NATIONS: Celebrate our Catholic Unity in Diversity, Sunday, 25 September at the Athlone Civic Centre Hall at 12h00. All welcome. See the notice board for further details.
SCAM EMAILS: A number of parishioners have received emails claiming to come from Fr Christian. Please note that these are fake and part of a scam. Priests will not approach you to help them with money. Please delete those emails and report them to the parish.
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