The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) – Year C

First Reading: Genesis 14:18-20

Resp. Psalm: Ps 110

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Gospel: Luke 9:11b-17


MUSIC:  The Vox Chamber Choir from Pretoria directed by Franco Prinsloo will be singing at the 18h00 Mass on Sunday, 25th June.


CATECHISM:  The catechists are looking for a donation of used screens in working condition for their classrooms to use for catechism.  Please speak to Mitchelle Perry if you can help.


PARISH FINANCE COUCIL:  Volunteers are needed to serve on the PFC for the next three years.  If you would like to serve our parish in this capacity please fill in the form provided.


PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL:  Nominations for the election of the new three-year term of the PPC will take place in July.  Elections will be held in October.


ANONTING OF THE SICK:  If someone is in need of the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick  please contact the presbytery directly.


DONATIONS/PLANNED GIVING?TITHES:  We are thankful to all those who contribute weekly to the collection.  Please prayerfully consider making a donation or joining the Planned Giving to help us budget.  Banking details:  St Mary’s Cathedral, Standard Bank, Account number 071 564 780




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