The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord – Year C
First Reading: Act 1:1-11, Responsorial Psalm: Ps 47
Second Reading: Eph 1:17-23
Gospel: Luke 24;46 – 53
Second Collection: This weekend at all Masses there be a second collection taken up for Priests’ Medical Fund
Anointing of the Sick: If someone is in need of the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick please contact the presbytery directly.
Baptisms: The next Baptism of Infants will be administered at the Cathedral on Saturday, 25th June 2022, 18h00. Please contact the office at least two weeks before to fill in the necessary forms. Baptism Preparation Class is taking place in the week before the baptism, both parents and sponsor(s), one of which needs to be a confirmed and practicing Catholic, need to attend.
Choir Practice: Choir practice takes place every second Wednesday in the Cathedral at 18h00. If you have a musical gift please consider joining.