50/50 Club Fundraiser 

How does this work ?
You as a member will join the club and pay R120 annually.  This is, actually, R10 per month.  Each Club member gets a number that he/she keeps safe.  There is no limit to the number of members who may join.  For example, if you wish to enter three times you will get 3 separate numbers and you will hand in R360, which covers you for three chances per month.  The more entries, the more the winnings will be each month.  The draw takes place at the beginning of each month.  The owner of the winning number will be informed by a PPC Committee member that he/she has won.  So, 100 club members at R10 per month will amount to R1000.  50% (R500) goes to the winner and 50% (R500) goes to the church fundraising.  Thus, the more folk joining, the more you stand to win.


  • No specific age restrictions, but if under-18, parents need to be responsible for the monthly/yearly payments.
  • Entry forms to be completed in full, and on a yearly basis.
  • The draw will be held on the first Sunday of the month, starting in April 2021.
  • Subscriptions cost R120 annually, and will run from March 2021 to March 2022.
  • Prize money depends on the number of people that join.
  • No prizes will be paid to or delivered to any person other than the actual winner, who will also be contacted.
  • The decision of the 50-50 Club shall be final, for the PPC Committee, in all matters.
  • You can contact Tony Serafin on 072 701 5499, or email  antoniomserafin@gmail.com for more information, please send your subscription forms to Tony.

Form – https://mcusercontent.com/bb591af108d5a986d90b7cc26/files/89cbbefa-ebf1-6c13-eabb-2e9d1e8d0698/50_50_Club_fundraising_details.docx.doc

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