THE CATHEDRAL: Currently by appointment only
NAZARETH HOUSE: Thursdays before the First Friday of each month 09h15 – 10h00 or anytime on request.


COMMUNION TO THE SICK IN THE PARISH – Is there someone in your family who is sick at home or in hospital, kindly contact any of the parish clergy will arrange for the Sacraments of the Anointing of the Sick and Holy Communion.



 The First Reading

Isaiah 63: 16-17; 64: 1, 3-8               


The Responsorial Psalm

Psalm 79 (80): 2-3, 15-16, 18-19


R/ O God, bring us back; let your face shine on us,

and we shall be saved.


O shepherd of Israel, hear us, enthroned on the cherubim,

shine forth.  Rouse up your might

and come to save us.  R/.


God of hosts, turn again, we implore; look down from heaven and see.

Visit this vine and protect it, the vine your right hand has planted.  R/.


May your hand be on the man at your right hand,

the son of man you have confirmed as your own.

And we shall never forsake you again; give us life that we may call

upon your name.  R/.


The Second Reading                  

1 Corinthians 1: 3-9


 The Gospel Reading                  

Mark 13: 33-37    


 Thought for the day

Beginning again is an invitation to look in two directions.  What happened for me in the last year, both in my ordinary life and in my life as a believer, a person of faith? For what do I ask forgiveness?  For what do I give thanks?  We also look forward and the new beginning gives us a chance to start again on the Way of discipleship.  Both thanksgiving and renewal are to be found in today’s readings.  The Gospel is in invitation to wake up, to keep watch, to live fully the present moment under God, in whom we live and move and have our being. Amen.



Wake us up, O God, and rouse us from the slumber of the everyday that we may recognise you in every moment and in every person, today and every day of our lives.



Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church at least SIX MONTHS notice of your intention to do so.  Please note that current regulations in the Archdiocese limits Church attendance at Weddings to 25 people.  Please contact the Cathedral office either telephonically or via email to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry and to arrange the required Marriage Preparation Classes.





Collection                R 1 086, 00                    Planned Giving       R 7 299, 99*

Mortuary List         R 2 430, 00                    Calendars               R      20, 00


  1. LITURGICAL CALENDARS FOR 2021 are on sale now for R20 each.


  1. PLEASE NOTE that Fr Rohan is presently supplying in the Parish of Vredenburg on weekends. Since the parish consists of five churches in five areas, he will assist Bishop Emeritus Francisco de Gouveia, who is resident in Langebaan, with the celebration of their weekend masses and other Sacramental celebrations. 


  1. BAPTISMS – Those who wish to have their children baptised, please contact the Cathedral Office so that arrangements can be made for instructions and the celebration of the Sacrament. Current Covid-19 regulations decree that no group baptisms will take place but only one child per celebration.


  1. ADVENT CAROL SERVICE will be held in the Cathedral on Sunday 20th December 2020 at 18h00. With a limited capacity of 100 people due to Covid-19 restrictions, we kindly request that should you wish to attend this service that you please register your attendance through the Cathedral Office.


  1. PLEASE NOTE – that for the next four weekends we will have a SECOND COLLECTION in aid of the Bishop’s Advent Appeal. If you wish to make use of envelopes, these are available in the foyers of the various churches.




Name      St Mary’s Cathedral

Bank        Standard Bank

Branch    020909

Acc Nº     071 564 780



Monday 30November

St Andrew, Apostle

Romans 10:9-18  Paul is convinced that the Word of God is very near to us, “in our hearts and on our lips.”  We need, nevertheless, bearers of that Word, more than ever…perhaps I could be a carrier myself ?


Matthew 4:18-22  As usual in the call stories, human things that would interest us – how did their wives and children feel? – are left out and we stand before the sovereign call of Jesus.  Have I heard that call in my own life?


Tuesday 01 December

Isaiah 11:1-10  The human hope for harmony is portrayed in this reading as a harmony in nature itself, even among the most unlikely animals.


Luke 10:21-24  Jesus pronounces a remarkable prayer in today’s gospel, a very encouraging prayer: we all stand before the mystery and mercy of God, thank God!


Wednesday 02 December

Isaiah 25:6-10  This reading is familiar from funerals, but not confined to those sad occasions.  On the contrary, the invitation, open all the time, is full of joy and hope.


Matthew 15:29-37  The compassion of Jesus is outstanding in this reading: it is he who names the need and supplies the food.  What hunger does he identify in us today? How are we nourished by him?


Thursday 03 December

St Francis Xavier, Priest and Religious

Isaiah 26:1-6  As you listen, you may notice all the words to do with protection: strong city, gates, rock, citadel, forming a great call to faith and trust in God.


Matthew 7:21, 24-27  It is always tempting to think that once you’ve said your prayers, you’re done.  The prophets regularly pillory such complacency and so does Jesus. In addition, awareness of local geography adds over to his words.  In the Judean desert, there are dry river beds called wadis, subject to flash floods.  To build on such an exposed foundation is the very height of foolishness.


Friday 04 December

St John of Damascus, Priest and Doctor

Isaiah 29:17-24  As often in the Bible, there are promises to the deaf, the blind and the poor.  Each of us is precisely dead, blind and poor and so the message is for us all today, if only we would pay attention.  We hold fast to conviction that the Lord is our light and our help.


Matthew 9:27-31  Miracle stories, like today’s, are always meant to be taken at two levels.  Rather than wonder about the past, we could ask in the present, how am I blind?  What is my need of the gift of sight which comes with faith?


Saturday 05 December

Isaiah 30:19-21,23-26  The prophet raises the hopes of his hearers with a grand vision of peace and prosperity, a gift of God himself.  Such harmony and well being come from following the way offered by God.  Their delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law they meditate day and night.  They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither. (Psalm 1:2–3)


Matthew 9:35-10:1, 5, 6-8  Again, it is the compassion of Jesus which is outstanding. He feels and he acts and he sends out.  Our need for the word of compassion and the healing touch of God is great.  Perhaps I too am being called to some ministry in the community of faith or in society at large?

















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