Dear Parishioners/Visitors

The Archdiocese of Cape Town has released an updated document detailing safety measures regarding the Coronavirus for the Catholic Church in Cape Town.

The full document can be read and downloaded here.

In the meanwhile:

  • ALL PUBLIC MASSES ARE CANCELLED IN THE CATHEDRAL UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Following this the Archbishop has dispensed the laity from Sunday Mass obligations until further notice.
  • The Easter Triduum will only be celebrated with the Elect, those adults who are preparing for full Communion in the Catholic Church, namely Baptism, Reception and Confirmation.
  • All devotional services in the Cathedral are cancelled until further notice.
  • All Catechism Classes have been cancelled.
  • All non –essential meetings are to be cancelled.
  • Masses will continue in Religious communities only for members of that particular community.
  • Our Penitential service will be cancelled in favour of individual confessions that needs to be conducted with due care.
  • Anointing of the Sick can take place but priests must take all reasonable precautions.
  • Communion to the sick may continue in serious cases.
  • Weddings and funerals to be attended only by immediate family.
  • Parishioners are also advised and requested to continue their financial support to their parishes through these trying times. If you would like to make a donation to to the Cathedral Parish, please follow this link.
  • The Chancery will be closed to the public and visits permitted by appointment only.

The Archdiocese will seek to provide online access to live streaming of masses and resources for home devotions and Sunday celebrations. For those without missals the readings are easily accessible on the internet from such sites ashttps: // 

Archbishop Stephen Brislin’s Sunday Mass can be viewed on Sunday’s at 09h00 via the Archdiocesan website 

The Archdiocese of Cape Town has also issued a downloadable Spiritual communion service for use in the home, adapted from the Vatican News. Please circulate and share as widely as possible.spiritual-communion

Indeed this is a time for prayer, not despair. This is a great sacrifice for us Catholics, not being able to attend Mass and receive the Eucharist, but we do this in obedience and for the common good. Remember these measures and all our basic hygiene are not so much about protecting ourselves, but protecting the elderly, the frail, the very young and those who are already in poor health for other reasons.

Please continue to pray for an end to the Coronavirus and for all who are infected.

We will continue to keep you updated, please see our Facebook page and website.


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