Today’s gospel continues the challenge from last week to go deeper into the heart, the seat of hidden thoughts and desires. The call to conversion is a call to give just as we have received: we are loved and so should love; we are forgiven and so should forgive; we are consoled and so should console and so forth. Why is that? Because the love etc. that we have received becomes truly “me” only when I pass it on. Only then have I experienced the message of the prophet: I will remove from your body the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. (Ezek 36:26)
O God, open our ears to hear the word of Jesus, your Son. Open our hearts, that we may know true conversion from within. Open our hands that we may give just as we have received.
Collection R 7 350, 70 Planned Giving R 4 158, 88
Southern Cross R 108, 00
Thank you for your generosity and support!
- THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM – Our next Baptism will be celebrated in the Cathedral on Sunday, 01st MARCH 2020 at the 08h45 and 10h00 Masses. The date of the Preparation class will be on Thursday 27th February at 19h00. Should you wish to baptize your child please arrange an appointment with the Priest before then.
- The Season of Lent begins on Wednesday 26th February 2020. Times of Masses in the various Mass Centres are:
06h45 Villa Maria Rev. Fr. Michael Clement SAC
07h00 Nazareth House Rev. Fr. Luigi Benigni
09h00 Cathedral Rev. Fr. Luigi Benigni
13h10 Cathedral Very Rev. Rohan Smuts
19h00 Cathedral Very Rev. Rohan Smuts
- SHROVE TUESDAY (25th February) – Please join us at Nazareth House, the Parish Room, on Tuesday 25th February from 17h30 until 20h30. Sweet or Savoury Pancakes as well as drinks will be on sale. If you wish to assist in any way please contact Hanne Sangiorgio on 082 415 6615.
- Wool has arrived for those who are willing to offer their time and talent to knit or crochet for babies(jerseys, beanies and booties for new-borns), elderly (knee blankets , beanies and bed socks) and children and adult beanies. Please contact Anik Broadhurst on 021 4396987 or 083 977 1099 to organize delivery of wool.
- ST MARY’S PRIMARY SCHOOL FEEDING SCHEME: The Good Start Trust (PBO No 930061524) would welcome our support of our parish school in any of the following ways:
- Donations of Full Cream Long-life Milk which can be dropped off at the School in Tuin Plein;
- EFT transfers to Standard Bank, Branch: 024109, Account No: 421322071 (with Beneficiary Reference St Mary’s + Your Name) in order to purchase e’Pap;
- Help with washing up from 08h00 to 09h00 on one or more days a week.
For more information contact Aletta on 076 324 6292.
- THE YOUNG ADULTS GROUP is extending an invitation to all the youth of the parish to join the group. For those willing to join, they may contact their chairman, Takudzwa Gutsa, on phone 071 080 7485.
Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church AT LEAST SIX MONTHS NOTICE of your intention to do so. Please contact the Cathedral office to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry and to arrange the required Marriage Preparation Classes.
07th Mar at 13h30 Russell Kingwell & Sonia Nunes
04th Apr at 14h00 Chester Kruger & Lisa Schaffers
18th Apr at 10h30 Leslie Adigbo & Nnennia Ejebe
02nd May at 14h00 Carlo Caldeira & Genevieve da Silva
- NAZARETH HOUSE FAITH SHARING GROUP will meet for the Season of Lent starting on the Thursday 27TH The venue is Nazareth House at 10h00. Please join us as we prepare for the Solemnity of Easter as a group. For information phone Greg Landman 082 598 4095
- HOUSE MASS on Wednesday 04th March at 19h00. The address is Nº 205, Lochinvar Flats, Quarry Hill Road, Tamboerskloof, home of Mr Angelo Gobbato.
- THE SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY OF THE PARISH urgently requires non-perishable food and toiletries for their pantry. Any assistance in that regard will be greatly appreciated. Please contact Mrs Gail Bester, Local President of the SVP on 072 591 8812.
- THE RCIA RITE OF ELECTION on Friday 28th February at 19h00 in the Cathedral.
- NAZARETH HOUSE CAPE TOWN is looking for volunteers to help in the Charity Shop. If you can give them some of your time, they would be very grateful. Please contact the Sister Superior, Sr. Gladys Kubai CSN on 021 461 1635.
We would like to draw your attention to the Fundraising Project for the Cathedral Parish. It is Liturgical in nature, specifically to raise funds to purchase new Cassocks and Surplices for the Altar Servers. We call on your generous support in the coming months.