Thought for the day


It is possible to live a merely sentient existence, paying attention only to the immediate and being satisfied once the urgent appetites are met. It is hard to say how many manage to sustain this form of sleepwalking! In our better moments, we all know that this is wholly inadequate, even on a merely human level. We are all of us called to rise above above mere existence and to live life abundantly (cf. John 10:10). In the faith, the Advent call is to wake up from our slumbers. Metanoia (conversion or repentance) means a whole change of mindset, going right down to the roots of our being. It’s the only project. Of course it takes time, but the time is now.




God of life abundant, may your advent call to life and love, hope and conversion touch us again and draw us closer to you. Amen.





Collection               R 10 150, 35                Planned Giving               R 15 328, 88

Southern Cross      R      120, 00                Mortuary List                 R      750, 00

Advent Appeal (1)  R   3 643, 50

Thank you for your generosity and support!


  1. Please Note that there will be a SECOND COLLECTION this weekend towards the Annual Advent Appeal.


  1. THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM – Our next Baptism will be celebrated in the Cathedral on Sunday, 05th January at the 10h00 Mass. The date of the Preparation class must still be determined..  Should you wish to baptize your child please arrange an appointment with the Priest before then.


  1. 16th December from 17h00 at Nazareth House, Cape Town – join them for a picnic which will be followed by Carols by Candlelight. Please see the posters advertised for additional information.


  1. PARISH PENITENTIAL SERVICE on Wednesday 18th December at 19h00. The venue is Nazareth House Main Chapel.


  1. FESTIVAL OF CAROLS AND LESSONS IN THE CATHEDRAL on Sunday 22nd December at 18h30





14th Dec at 10h00        Matthew Thyssen & Michaele Theunis

14th Dec at 14h00        Luis Carlos Yerena Contreras & Elrechia Michaels

15th Dec at 10h00        Josaphat Benhura & Pauline Makato -Convalidation

21st Dec at 10h30         Rufaro Njekete & Engline Menasi -Convalidation

28th Dec at 15h00        Luigi Di Martino & Heather Ford –Convalidation

03rd Jan at 14h30         Oledayo Oyekanmi & Tonia Osedebe -Convalidation

05th Jan at 15h00         Matthew Akmal & Agnieszka Gradzewicz -Convalidation



Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church at least SIX MONTHS notice of your intention to do so.  Please contact the Cathedral office to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry and to arrange the required Marriage Preparation Classes.






  • NAZARETH HOUSE PRAYER GROUP during the Season of Advent, will meet on Thursday mornings (12th and 19th) at 10h00 in Nazareth house. Please join them as they prepare meaningfully and spiritually for Christmas.  Please contact Greg Landman on 082 598 4095 for further information.


  • The Bellville Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group will be hosting a HEALING AND DELIVERANCE CONFERENCE at Our Lady of Fatima Community Hall on 14th – 16th December 2019 from 09h00 until 17h00. Costs are R100 per person and for further information contact either Susan Hartzenberg on 072 202 0470 or Druscilla van Niekerk on 082 409 4378.


  • SHONA MASS FOR JANUARY 2020 will be on Sunday 12th January at 11h45


  • CANADIAN CHOIR CONCERT AT THE CATHEDRAL ON WEDNESDAY 15th JANUARY 2020 at 19h00. Tickets are R100 per person.  The 30 member choir is composite of two choirs, Song Routes and Village Harmony.  They will be touring South Africa between 06th – 18th January 2020.







The Cathedral Parish is completely committed to ensuring the safety of our children. For further information consult the website of the Archdiocese: using the Ministries Tab or contact our Parochial Coordinator, Margie Cook on 0824618607.


















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