Thought for the day
When the news from the Middle East—the cradle of civilisation and faith—is so consistently dreadful, our dismay can easily devolve into despair. What about all the innocent lives lost? What of the old, the new-born, the newly-weds and so on? The devastation can be overwhelming, leaving us feeling both powerless and furious. And yet, at the centre of our faith is a deep conviction that the forces of evil and destruction are not, and will not be, the final word. Yes, it is terrible; but no, it is not the last word. God’s faithfulness in Christ’s resurrection assures us and invites us too to the same wit-ness of fidelity, even again the odds.
God of peace, in our time we hear of wars and rumours of wars. Help us not to fear, not to lose hope, but to trust you, our Rock, our only hope.
Collection R 4 879, 90 Planned Giving R 3 088, 88
Southern Cross R 74, 00
Thank you for your generosity and support!
- Luigi will be taking his annual holiday from 24 November until 16 December
- THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM – Our next Baptism will be celebrated in the Cathedral on Sunday, 01st December at the 10h00 Mass. Preparation class will take place on the Thursday, 28th November at 19h00 in the precincts of the Cathedral Office. Should you wish to baptize your child please arrange an appointment with the Priest before then.
- Pontifical Mission Society Liturgical Calendars for 2020 are on sale now at R20 each.
- CATHEDRAL MORTUARY LIST – For the whole month of November, starting on the 02nd, parishioners will be given the opportunity to submit the names of their departed loved ones to renew the list of the Faithful Departed. Weekly Holy Masses are offered for their repose. Please submit these and a stipend in the envelopes that will be provided to any of the Cathedral Clergy or alternatively in the collection basket on the weekends.
- On 30 November at 10h00 in the Cathedral there will be the World AIDS day celebration. The celebrant for the Mass will be Bishop Sylvester David, OMI.
- On Saturday 7December there will be an Advent Day Rally from 9h30. It will be held at the Schoenstatt on Constantia Main Rd. For more information please check the flyers.
- On Saturday 7 December Nazareth House will be holding a Market Day from 9h00 to 13h00. More information available on the flyers in the back.
- This Week in the Southern Cross: Bishop: How I came to support Springboks/ Street renamed after Catholic activist/Getting close to St Bernadette in Lourdes & Nevers/Youth ministry: Time to get radical?/Fr Townsend takes on the banks
ST MARY’S PRIMARY SCHOOL has launched a Breakfast Club, feeding the learners nutritious e’Pap and fruit before school starts in the morning. They are in need of and would welcome helping hands between 08h00 and 09h00. If you are able to assist one morning a week, please contact Aletta on 076 324 6292.
07th Dec at 14h00 Sean Ferrier & Faranaaz Miller
14th Dec at 09h00 Matthew Thyssen & Michaele Theunis
14th Dec at 14h00 Luis Carlos Yerena Contreras & Elrechia Michaels
28th Dec at 15h00 Luigi Di Martino & Heather Ford (Convalidation)
Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church at least SIX MONTHS notice of your intention to do so. Please contact the Cathedral office to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry and to arrange the required Marriage Preparation Classes.
- The Bellville Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group will be hosting a HEALING AND DELIVERANCE CONFERENCE at Our Lady of Fatima Community Hall on 14th – 16th December 2019 from 09h00 until 17h00. Costs are R100 per person and for further information contact either Susan Hartzenberg on 072 202 0470 or Druscilla van Niekerk on 082 409 4378.
- FESTIVAL OF CAROLS AND LESSONS in the Cathedral on Sunday 22nd December at 18h30