Thought for the day
There can be no “part-time” discipleship. Likewise, there can be no parttime prayer. The deep reason behind this is that God loves my whole person and desires all that I am. Constancy in discipleship demands constancy in prayer; and constancy in prayer builds discipleship. In other words, they can be no separation of life and prayer – the goal is the same, the integration of my whole self into the Christian project. However, the relationship is primary. It is not that practical action is more important and prayer helps, but that prayer is more important and how I live is the test of my prayer.
God, who love the human race, your love touches our deepest selves and fills us with joy in believing. Help us to respond to your love in constant prayer and faithful discipleship. Amen.
Collection R 7 736, 70 Planned Giving R 2 808, 88
Southern Cross R 120, 00 Calendars R 610, 00
Midday Concert R 1 050, 00
Thank you for your generosity and support!
- SECOND COLLECTION this weekend for Mission Sunday. Please take an envelope with you this weekend.
- THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM – Our next Baptism will be celebrated in the Cathedral on Sunday, 03 November at the 10h00 Mass. Preparation class will take place on the Thursday, 31st October at 19h00 in the precincts of the Cathedral Office. Should you wish to baptize your child please arrange an appointment with the Priest before then.
- Pontifical Mission Society Liturgical Calendars for 2020 are on sale now at R20 each.
- CATHEDRAL MORTUARY LIST – For the whole month of November, starting on the 02nd, parishioners will be given the opportunity to submit the names of their departed loved ones to renew the list of the Faithful Departed. Weekly Holy Masses are offered for their repose. Please submit these and a stipend in the envelopes that will be provided to any of the Cathedral Clergy or alternatively in the collection basket on the weekends.
07th Dec at 14h00 Sean Ferrier & Faranaaz Miller
14th Dec at 09h00 Matthew Thyssen & Michaele Theunis
14th Dec at 14h00 Luis Carlos Yerena Contreras & Elrechia Michaels
28th Dec at 15h00 Luigi Di Martino & Heather Ford (Convalidation)
Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church at least SIX MONTHS notice of your intention to do so. Please contact the Cathedral office to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry and to arrange the required Marriage Preparation Classes.
- Please note: Mrs Carlene Weitz, the Parish Secretary, will be away on her annual leave from Monday 07th October until 25th
- MASS FOR DECEASED BISHOPS, CLERGY, RELIGIOUS and BENEFACTORS on Thursday 31st October at 10h30 in St Michael’s Catholic Church, Rondebosch
- On Friday, 01st November, St Michael’s Catholic Church in Rondebosch will be celebrating THE SOLEMNITY OF ALL SOULS. The Choir, under the direction of Johan Swanepoel will be singing Requiem for the living by Dan Forrest. The Organist is Mr Grant Bräsler. Holy Mass starts at 19h00.
- NAZARETH HOUSE ‘BOOKS AND BLING’ FUNDRAISER on 09th November from 09h00 until 14h00. The Nazareth Sisters invites you to come and browse our selection of Jewellery and Books Something for everyone including Coffee and Sweet Treats stalls on the day.
- This week in The Southern Cross – A day in the life of a Religious Sister; We are 99 Years Old; Former Miss SA: Use your voice to benefit others; All the news from the Amazon Synod; Archbishop Brislin: The People of God can bring Christ to the World. THIS WEEK’S EDITORIAL – A word from our Chair Rosanne Shields as We begin our Centenary Year
- The Bellville Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group will be hosting a HEALING AND DELIVERANCE CONFERENCE at Our Lady of Fatima Community Hall on 14th – 16th December 2019 from 09h00 until 17h00. Costs are R100 per person and for further information contact either Susan Hartzenberg on 072 202 0470 or Druscilla van Niekerk on 082 409 4378.
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