The days of spring lengthen and Lent echoes nature and invites us as well to a new springtime of faith. As in farming and gardening, there is work to be done if new growth is to flourish or even to happen at all. We have to look back and see what has done well and what has, in effect, died off. We need to make space by clearing the ground and looking at ourselves honestly. It would be good to identify what will feed and sustain us during this journey from the ashes of Ash Wednesday to the new birth of the Easter.
In this springtime, creator God, we watch new life appear from the dark earth after the night of winter. Help us also to grow. In us, there is darkness and night; yet we know that you can bring us once more to life. Amen.
Collections R 12 162.00 Planned Giving R 12 480.00
Southern Cross R 80.00
Thank you most sincerely for your generosity!
** Please note that the next series of Second Collections will commence on the weekend of 09th & 10th March which will be in aid of the Lenten Appeal **
Nazareth House Faith Sharing Group
Will be meeting for Lent to begin preparing for Easter, on Thursdays. The venue is Larmenier village at 10h00. For more information please contact Greg Landman on 082 598 4095.
A “Everything Chocolate” hamper and an Elizabeth Arden gift pack are up for grabs. Raffle tickets are on sale at the back of the church. Only R20 per ticket.
Your support is greatly appreciated.
to everyone who attended and supported this fundraising event. A very big thank you also for the donations of wine, fruit juices, pancakes, fillings, paper plates, serviettes etc and to all those ladies and gents who assisted in helping us make this evening so enjoyable ! An amount of R2,990 was raised. God bless and may you have a holy and spiritual Lent !
Looking for knitters willing to knit a few beanies for the underprivileged. Wool and pattern will be supplied. Please contace Anik Brouadhurst at 021 439 6987
The Young Adults Group (YAG) will be visiting St Mary’s Home of Hope Shelter in Parrow on 7 April 2019. The shelter accomodates about 7 Women and 7 children. The shelter requires assistance mainly with regards to toiletries, nappies, clothes, and food groceries. Any parishioner wishing to donate in cash or kind towards this should contact the chairman of the YAG, Takudzwa, on 071 080 7485. There will also be a basket at the entrance of the church before and after the 10am mass for collecting donated items during the Sundays leading up to the visitation. Thank you very much.
Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church at least six months notice of your intent to get married. Please contact the Cathedral office to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry.
13th March 19h00 Taize worship event for all youth in Constantia Parish
26th March 19h00 Public Lecture hosted by the SACBC Parlimentary Liason Office on The Sin of Abuse in Our Church: attempting to understand it. Speaker: Dr. Jan Jans at St. Michaels Catholic Church in Rondebosh
16th April at 19h30 HOLY WEEK CONCERT AT THE CATHEDRAL. Cost of admission is R5o per person
18th August PLEASE NOTE that the Cologne Metropolitan Cathedral Mädchenchor (Female Choir) will be visiting South Africa in August and they will be singing at the 17h00 Holy Mass here at the Cathedral. They will also give a short concert after the 17h00 Holy Mass.