In the kindest perspective, the desire for retaliation represents a longing for justice and equity. For example, “an eye for an eye.” Such justice is easily distorted into vengeance, hence the limiting of vengeance to precisely equal retaliation in the Old Testament. That tempering of vengeance does not really go far enough. The problem is responding in kind – the ultimate logic of which would be one person left with one eye!! Jesus goes to the heart of the matter: do not respond to violence with violence, do not engage at the level offered. Instead, turn the dynamic on its head: love your enemies and break the cycle of hatred and violence.
Help us, compassionate God, to take to heart the teaching of Jesus that love without limit may be our rule of life.
Collections R 10 048, 00 Planned Giving R 3 577, 77
Southern Cross R 100, 00
Thank you most sincerely for your generosity!
** Please note that the next series of Second Collections will commence on the weekend of 09th & 10th March which will be in aid of the Lenten Appeal **
THE YOUNG ADULTS GROUP is calling on all Young Adults in the Parish who are interested, to come and join the group who meet regularly on Sundays after the 10 o’ clock Holy Mass. For any further inquiries, please contact their Chairman, Takudzwa Gutsa on 071 080 7485
EXPLORE THE DEPTHS OF THE LENTEN SEASON. You are invited to join an Ecclesia faith sharing group to reflect on the meaning of this period of personal introspection. To join a group for the five sessions please contact Margie Cook 0824618607, Michael Baker 0824938493 or Ninette Irakoza 0739632556. The sessions will start in the week of 3 March.
Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church at least six months notice of your intent to get married. Please contact the Cathedral office to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry.
01st March St Mary’s Primary School Mass at 08h30 in the Cathedral. EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR AND ADORATION at Nazareth House Main Chapel from 17h30 until 18h30
02nd March Royal School of Church Music is presenting a workshop on the basics of the Organ. The presenters are Colleen Hart and Luther Lange. The venue is St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Chiappini Street, Green Point. RSCM Members is R30 (including refreshments) and non-members R50 (including refreshments). Please book by 27th February via email
MASS. Parents and guardians must please register their children for baptism to any of the Cathedral Clergy. The Instruction Class will be on Thursday 28th February in the
Cathedral Hall, commencing at 19h00.
05th March SHROVE TUESDAY – Our traditional Pancake Evening will take place in the Parish Room at Nazareth House from 17h30 to 20h30. Donations of wine, cool drinks, paper plates, serviettes will be most welcome. If you are willing to help serve, flip pancakes, make pancakes at home or supply the batter or a filling, please contact Hanne or Peter Sangiorgio on 021 461 0479 after 18h00.
06th March ASH WEDNESDAY – The times of Holy Masses are:
06h45 Villa Maria
07h00 Nazareth House
09h00 The Cathedral
13h10 The Cathedral
19h00 The Cathedral
07th March THE RITE OF ELECTION FOR THE RCIA – Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church starting at 19h00
07th March THE RITE OF ELECTION FOR THE RCIA – Cathedral Church of Our Lady of the Flight into Egypt starting at 19h00
09th March THE ARCHDIOCESE OF CAPE TOWN HEALTH CARERS ASSOCIATION will have a Day of Recollection at Nazareth House. Registration at 09h30, Holy Mass at 10h00. As usual, there is a Bring and Share Lunch.
09th March at 16h00 EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR TO PRAY FOR PRIESTS at Villa Maria Shrine
16th April at 19h30 HOLY WEEK CONCERT AT THE CATHEDRAL. Cost of Admission is R50 per person.
18th August PLEASE NOTE that the Cologne Metropolitan Cathedral Female Choir, Kölner Mädchenchor, will be visiting South Africa in August and they will be singing at the 17h00 Holy Mass here at the Cathedral. They will also give a short concert after the 17h00 Holy Mass.