The Thought for the Day

The handing on of the faith – evangelisation to use a technical term – is the task of everyone in the church today: family members, catechists, pastoral workers, the ordained.  It is our great challenge and the one thing necessary.  And yet, who dares today to take up such a role?  Our Gospel portrays key dimensions: the sense of being sent or called, the choice of life-style based on that of Jesus, the confidence to face not being made welcome and yet to continue for the sake of the joy of the Gospel.


God of the Good News, you spoke your word and disclosed your heart in Jesus of Nazareth.  Help us who are called to take to heart the word of truth, the Gospel of salvation.  May we know the action of the Spirit, and so inspired may we inspire others as well.


 The Divine Office – Week III



Collections                   R 6 296, 40   Planned Giving                  R 2 950, 77  

Southern Cross          R    100, 00   Peter’s Pence                       R 2 484, 80

Concert                         R 4 300, 00  

Thank you most sincerely for your generosity!


  • IN THE SOUTHERN CROSS – Catholics remember Madiba; How can we renew our parishes?; Catholics and Anglicans learning from each other; Bavaria: A Catholic world; How laity is called to mission. The Editorial: Mandela at 100.


 Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church at least six months notice of your intent to get married.  Please contact the Cathedral office to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry.

The Banns of Marriage


24 July at 13h10             Tendai Karima & Knowledge Katsande                      Convalidation

28 July at 10h00             Clever Mandeya & Addnice Kafemba                         Convalidation

25 August at 10h00       Josphat Benhura & Pauline Makato                            Convalidation

21 September at 16h00   André Dietrichsen & Lee-Anne Fredericks

20 October at 14h00      Garth Smith & Natalie Choto

20 October at 15h00      Nicholas Hayes & Stephanie Joubert

02 November at 14h30   Alberto-Maria Bernadi & Sonia Ramautar              Convalidation

24 November at 11h00   Miles Arendse & Candice Cornelissen

24 November at 12h00   Brendan Shunmugan & Lauren Page




 O God, in whom we live and move,  and have our being,  grant us sufficient rain,  

so that being supplied with what sustains us in this present life,

we may seek more confidently what sustains us for eternity. 

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,   who lives and reigns with you

in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.



16th July at 19h00    Parish Finance Council Meeting in the Leslie Johnson Memorial Centre

17th – 18th July        Winter Living Theology by Fr. Bryan Massingale, Professor of Theological and Social Ethics at Fordham University in New York, on Racial Justice and the Demands of Discipleship.  For more information please contact 

22nd July at 10h00    THE SEATTLE CHILDREN’S CHORUS will be singing at the 10h00 Holy Mass in the Cathedral

26th July at 18h30    Parish Pastoral Council Meeting at Nazareth House in the Parish Room

27th – 29th July              Marriage Encounter Weekend in Maryland, Hanover Park.  Interested couples con contact Graham and Patuele Maart on 076 930 3818 or 084 502 3805 respectively.

04th August at 18h00    Sacrament of Baptism 

05th August at 10h00    First Holy Communion  

12th August at 10h00    Sacrament of Confirmation




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