The Thought for the Day
In our time, those who “persist” in religious faith can seem to outsiders “beside themselves.” The question needs to be asked: who is more sane, those who say life has a deep purpose and meaning and those who evidently content themselves with a “this world only” view? The apparently more rational view is ultimately irrational, in the literal sense that life has finally no reason, no ratio. By contrast, for the believer, behind the gift of creation stands a Giver. Within the gift of love, we come to know the Lover. As we gain and lose in life, finally nothing is ever truly lost. Faith is ultimately wholesome and utterly sane.
Father, help us to see your goodness at work around us. As we acknowledge the work of the Holy Spirit, may we drawn to you, the giver of every gift.
The Divine Office – Week II
Collections R 9 511, 95 Planned Giving R 12 247, 77
Southern Cross R 80, 00
Thank you most sincerely for your generosity!
- THE CLOSING MASS FOR THE BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN SOUTHERN AFRICA will take place on 24th June at 14h00 in the Bellville Velodrome. The transport to and from the event will leave the Cathedra precincts at 12h00. Payment of transport monies (R90) to be settled by 17th June 2018.
- THE SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY is urgently appealing to parishioners for blankets, containers and food items for the needy. It is cold and many people are going to bed hungry. Food slips are available at the back of the church as a reminder.
- IN THE SOUTHERN CROSS – Saints Documentary features local church voices; A Timeline of Catholicism in South Africa; Voices for Christ spreading the Good News with music; Sacred Heart Devotion is a Church Treasure; How understandings of the Sacraments differ. The Editorial: Can we educate without homework?
- THE CATHEDRAL OUTREACH – For those individuals who have received wool and have completed their knitting ready for collection and distribution, please contact Anik on 021 439 6987
- BAPTISMS WILL BE CELEBRATED ON 01st JULY at the 10h00 Holy Mass. Instruction class will be on Thursday 28th June at 19h00 in the Leslie Johnson Memorial Centre. Parents and guardians must register their children with the clergy of the parish.
Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church at least six months notice of your intent to get married. Please contact the Cathedral office to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry.
O God, in whom we live and move, and have our being, grant us sufficient rain, so that being supplied
with what sustains us in this present life, we may seek more confidently what sustains us for eternity.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
13th June at 19h00 HOUSE MASS at the Broadhurst Family Home. The address is 18 Avenue Brittany, Bantry Bay.
16th June at 11h00 YOUTH DAY CELEBRATION. Holy Mass at 11h00. The main celebrant is Archbishop Brislin followed by a light lunch and activities.
A tuckshop will be available. Please contact the parish office for further information.
**24th June at 14h00 CLOSING MASS OF THE BICENTENNIAL in the Bellville Velodrome. Admission will be by ticket only. PLEASE NOTE
03rd – 06th July Schoenstatt Girls Youth will be hosting their annual “Winter Camp” in Schoenstatt, Constantia. For further information, please check the noticeboards.
07th July at 14h15 BINGO TEA at Zonnebloem Retirement Home
08th July at 19h00 The University Of Warsaw Collegium Musicum Chamber Choir Concert at the Cathedral. Cost of tickets is R100 per person.
Soirée in the Cathedral Hall after the concert.
The Banns of Marriage
12th June at 13h10 Muchengeti Hove & Getrude Manjengwa Convalidation
30th June at 14h00 Joseph Sellar & Jade Esau
28th July at 10h00 Clever Mandeya & Addnice Kafemba Convalidation
25th August at 10h00 Josphat Benhura & Pauline Makato Convalidation