The Thought for the Day
How did any of us make the journey towards faith in Christ? No doubt a great part of it is simply what we received – usually from family. At some point, did I make a conscious choice? Perhaps at other times, I felt like walking away the faith project? What kept me going? Did a more personal ownership of faith result? Perhaps I can identify with the intuition of John O’Donahue, “Faith is helpless attraction to the divine.” In spite of everything, in spite of myself, somehow it is part of who I am.
Mysterious God, we are those who have seen and at the same time not seen. Help to look beyond the simple gifts of each day to see you the giver behind – and in – every gift. Help us embrace the grace that we may know true blessedness in believing.
Collections R 21 887, 15 Planned Giving R 11 168, 77
Southern Cross R 916, 15 Lenten Appeal R 2 360, 70
Good Friday R 4 753, 70 Candle Monies R 1 236, 00
Thank you most sincerely for your generosity!
- THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA) – is a process developed by the Catholic Church for prospective converts to Catholicism. Candidates are gradually introduced to aspects of Catholic belief and practices. The next RCIA group will commence after Easter 2018. Please contact one of the priests in this regard.
- THE SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY is appealing to parishioners for storage space when donations are received. The storage space needs to be accessible to both the Parish Priest and the SVP Executive.
21st April at 12h00 Ikenna Nlemigbo & Ugonna Ijeoma Convalidation
05th May at 14h00 Dale Petersen & Caryn Ziervogel
12th May at 15h00 Laurie Richardson & Samantha de Oliveira
19th May at 16h00 John Ross & Simone Swanepoel Convalidation
Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church at least six months notice of your intent to get married. Please contact the Cathedral office to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry
O God, in whom we live and move, and have our being, grant us sufficient rain, so that, being supplied
with what sustains us in this present life, we may seek more confidently what sustains us for eternity.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The Divine Office – Week II
21st April at 09h30 ENRICH – TRAINING FOR FACILITATORS. This is a new 4 -part program for couples. It should be presented over 4 consecutive weeks by married couples
for other married couples in the Parish. Join us for a morning workshop to look at and learn how to work with this new material.VENUE: Atrium at the Chancery, from 09h30 to 12h30.
COST: Free WHO SHOULD ATTEND?? Couples who are already involved in the Marriage ministry, Couples wanting to become more involved! The course is very practical and is meant
to help couples improve their relationship skills and to grow closer to one another. RSVP Joan Armstrong at
23rd April at 19h00 PUBLIC LECTURE on The Journey of the Catholic Church towards a Humane Sexual Ethics by Dr Jan Jans of Tilburg University, The Netherlands.
Venue: St Joseph’s Marist College Hall, Belmont Road, Rondebosch.
08th July at 19h00 THE UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW COLLEGIUM MUSICUM CHAMBER CHOIR CONCERT at the Cathedral. Cost of tickets is R100 per person.
Soirée in the Cathedral Hall after the concert.
One of our Grade 7 learners at St Mary’s Primary School, Sisipho Cage, her father Mandlenkosi Caga, her brothers Malibongwe Caga, Hlumelo Caga and Ahlumile Caga and her uncle Majola Caga died in a tragic car accident in Grahamstown on Monday. We pray for the Caga family, as well as the staff and learners of St Mary’s Primary. May they rest in peace.