Thought for the Day
To us, leprosy or any serious skin condition is a medical and perhaps a cosmetic issue. In Jesus’ day, by contrast, such things entailed social exclusion and sufferer became literally untouchable. Hence the shock in the Gospel: he touched him. Before congratulating ourselves for not being so “primitive,” it might not be any harm to ask who are the marginalised and excluded in our own time and culture? The categories are wide: socio-economic groups, ethnicity, orientation, religion. Are there people I never encounter?
Where charity and love prevail, there God is ever found; Brought here together by Christ’s love, by love are we thus bound.
No race or creed can love exclude, if honoured be God’s name; our common life embraces all whose Father is the same.
From Where charity and love prevail
Collections R 8 684, 75 Planned Giving R 6 130, 00
Southern Cross R 59, 50 Holy Childhood R 2 548, 20
Thank you most sincerely for your generosity!
- IN THIS WEEK’S SOUTHERN CROSS – A brief history of Lent; How to make extra time with God in Lent; Next step in New Pastoral Plan; How the Church took on Apartheid; Bishop: Engaged with issues, not just bash Zuma. EDITORIAL: THE FEAST OF LOVE
- DISCERNMENT CLASSES for those who are contemplating Priesthood or Religious Life are held at the Chancery, next to the Cathedral Offices on Saturday mornings starting at 11h00. The next session will be on 17th
- ST JOHN VIANNEY NATIONAL SEMINARY’S ANNUAL MAGAZINE – Faith & Reason – is now on sale at R50 each. Should you wish to purchase one, you may do so at the entrances of all churches in the parish.
- THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM IS CELEBRATED EVERY MONTH – If you wish to have your child baptised please contact one of the priests and set up an appointment. The next Baptisms are scheduled for Sunday 04th March 2018.
- THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA) – is a process developed by the Catholic Church for prospective converts to Catholicism. Candidates are gradually introduced to aspects of Catholic belief and practices. The next RCIA group will commence after Easter 2018. Please contact one of the priests in this regard.
- STATIONS OF THE CROSS at 18h00 both at the Cathedral and Nazareth House on the Fridays during the Lenten Season, with the exception of the first Friday due to the Rite of Election at the Cathedral.
14th February 2018 ASH WEDNESDAY. Mass times, with the distribution of ashes are as follows:
06h45 Villa Maria – Fr. Rohan Smuts
07h00 Nazareth House – Fr. Celestine Okekeofojebe
09h00 The Cathedral – Fr. Rohan Smuts
13h10 The Cathedral – Fr. Michael Clement SAC
19h00 The Cathedral – Fr. Celestine Okekeofojebe
15th February at 10h00 NAZARETH HOUSE FAITH SHARING GROUP meeting at C13,
Larmenier Village for the Lenten Season. For further information contact Greg on 082 598 4095
15th February at 19h00 THE RITE OF ELECTION in Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Wynberg
16th February at 19h00 THE RITE OF ELECTION in the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Flight into Egypt, Cape Town
18th February at 10h00 DAY FOR THE SICK, AGED AND PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED – at Schoenstatt Retreat Centre, Constantia
commencing with Holy Mass followed by the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Feel free to bring you own picnic lunch or alternatively catered lunch will be served
at R50 per person. For Catering purposes please contact the Shoenstatt Retreat Centre on 021 794 3132 before 10th February should you wish to have lunch catered for you.
18th February at 15h00 ORGAN BENEFIT CONCERT at the Cathedral in aid of the OUTREACH of Holy Family Catholic Church in Manenberg.
The organist is Dr Martin Welzel who is the titular organist at the Frauenkirche Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising.
Cost of tickets are R100 and R80 respectively. Please see the advertisement on the noticeboards
04th March at 11h45 SHONA MASS. The Celebrant for the Mass is Archbishop Stephen Brislin. You are invited to join the Zimbabwean Catholic Community for this Holy Mass.
22nd March at 19h00 ENCORE CHAMBER CHOIR CONCERT at the Cathedral. Cost of tickets is R50 per person.
25th February at 12h00 Liam Sherman Moses & Zenahrea Damon
24th March at 15h00 Peter Peté & Nicola Stockley
Please note that if it is your intention to get married in the Catholic Church, you need to give the Church at least six months notice of your intent to get married. Please contact the Cathedral office to set up an appointment with one of the Cathedral clergy to complete the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry
The Saint Vincent de Paul Society of the Parish is making an appeal to all parishioners. They are requesting boys clothing for an 8/9 month old and for a 2/3 years old. In addition, toiletries will also be welcomed, viz. nappies/disposables, shampoo, soap, shaving foam, etc. A donation of a bed and bedding is also urgently required. If you are able to assist in any way, please contact Gail Bester (Council President) on 072 591 8812 or Michelle Perry (Council Secretary) on 082 475 6311.
Thank you for your consideration in this regard.
PRAYER FOR RAIN O God, in whom we live and move, and have our being, grant us sufficient rain, so that, being supplied with what sustains us in this present life, we may seek more confidently what sustains us for eternity. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
To date, many of the dams in our province have reported levels drastically lower than levels recorded at the same time during previous years. The average storage across the Western Province on 07th February 2018 is 25.2%.
Divine Office Week 2
Ash Wednesday, Psalter Week 4