Thought for the day: In the words of John’s Gospel, John the Baptist came as a witness, to speak for the light, the true light who was coming into the world. In this season of Advent, he points us towards the coming one and he invites us to reflect on our need of the light of Jesus in the darkness of our lives. Darkness means many things: a sense of being lost, a lack of direction, helplessness, sin or indeed lack of faith. This Christmas, may the God who said “Let light shine out of darkness,” shine in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 4:6).
Prayer: We come before you in the darkness of our lives, aware of our need of Christ, the light of the world. Let us receive him in faith so that we may become witnesses to that light which has truly come into the world.
- THE SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND is towards the ADVENT APPEAL. A very big thank you for your contributions last weekend.
Collections R8 487, 70 Planned Giving R 2 227, 77 Southern Cross R 465, 10
Advent Appeal R 2 953, 80 Calendars R 190, 00
- IN THIS WEEK’S SOUTHERN CROSS – The history of ‘Silent Night’; Time capsule to Christmas 1942; the Year 2017 in Review; In search for South Africa’s first three chapels; Big Christmas Trivia Quiz for the whole family.
Please note that this week’s Bumper Christmas Issue is sold at R16, 00 per copy.
- Please note: FAITH & REASON IN ACTION, the Magazine of St John Vianney Seminary is on sale at R50 per copy.
NEW HYMNBOOKS – The hymnbooks in the Cathedral need to be replaced. Since the hymnbooks are only printed in England the cost of a hymnal is about R140 each; which means we have to raise R42 000. Thus far we have raised R40 960. Donations towards this fundraising drive, please deposit the monies into the Cathedral Restoration Account with the reference HB followed by either your Planned Giving Number or Surname.
Here are the banking details: Name A/c St Mary’s Cathedral Restoration
Bank Standard Bank
Type A/c Current Account
Branch Nº 02 09 09
Account Nº 070 624 623
- CHRISTMAS CONCERT AT THE CATHEDRAL – The Encore Chamber Choir will be in concert on Tuesday 19th December at 19h00. Tickets cost R50 per person and will be on sale at the door.
- ADVENT PENITENTIAL SERVICE on Thursday 21st December at 19h00. The venue of the penitential service is Nazareth House Chapel.
23rd December at 14h00 Lanston Foster & Uvathi Siripal
Welcome to the Cathedral Parish! We hope you will be happy here. If you want to register or join our Planned Giving Campaign, please do so either via the parish office or the Parish Website. Direct transfers are also in order.
Account name Bank Type Acc. Branch No. Account Number
St Marys Cathedral Standard Current 020-909 071 564 780
Saturday 23rd December 18h00 Holy Mass at the Cathedral
Sunday 24th December 07h30 Holy Mass at Villa Maria Chapel
08h45 Holy Mass at Nazareth House Main Chapel
10h00 Holy Mass at the Cathedral
17h00 NO MASS
00h00 Midnight Mass at the Cathedral
00h00 Midnight Mass at Nazareth House Main Chapel
Monday 25th December 07h30 Holy Mass at Villa Maria Chapel
08h45 Holy Mass at Nazareth House Main Chapel
10h00 Holy Mass at the Cathedral
Saturday 30th December 18h00 Holy Mass at the Cathedral
Sunday 31st December 07h30 Holy Mass at Villa Maria Chapel
08h45 Holy Mass at Nazareth House Main Chapel
10h00 Holy Mass at the Cathedral
17h00 Holy Mass at the Cathedral
00h00 Holy Mass at the Cathedral
Monday 01st January 08h00 Holy Mass at Villa Maria
09h00 Holy Mass at Nazareth House Main Chapel
It seems that no matter where you look there is bad news! However, all of the pain, hurt, fear, worry, and that awful killer on the loose in our modern mania, fear and stress, need not distract us from the source of true Joy, Jesus Christ! In times like this we thank God for the great gift of the liturgical year of the Church. The Feasts we celebrate, and our preparation for them, are an invitation to participate, even now, in the life to come. So it is with Gaudete Sunday, the Sunday of rejoicing. Christian joy is not rooted in the circumstances and struggles of our daily lives. Often, they are the bad fruit of the disorder and brokenness caused by sin. Christian Joy finds its root in the relationship we now have, in and through Jesus Christ, with the Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit. We rejoice on Guadete Sunday, because the Lord is always near, He is always coming to those who have the eyes of living faith.