• THE MORTUARY LIST – Dear Parishioners, the month of November will afford you the opportunity to update the list of the deceased of the parish. Please use the envelopes provided to include the names of the deceased you wish to have masses said.  Include these and your stipend in the envelopes and return them either in the collection plate or to one of the priests.  Every week masses are celebrated by the clergy of the Archdiocese for all the faithful departed. 

Please note: NEXT WEEKEND we will have a second collection for the Mortuary List. 


Collections    R 5 757, 80      Planned Giving  R 1 960, 00     Southern Cross   R      80, 00      For Mexico    R 3 411, 40 

  • IN THIS WEEK’S SOUTHERN CROSS Sainthood for SA Couple? Priest: My time as bandits’ hostage; The history of race and the SA Church; John Bradburne, the Vagabond of God; What kind of friends you need.  THIS WEEK’S EDITORIAL: A married priesthood 
  • The Young Adults Group of the Cathedral Parish will be visiting the Fikele Children’s Centre in Khayelitsha on 10 December to celebrate Christmas with the children at the home. The Centre looks after 40 HIV+ children aged between 0-8 years old.  They hereby make an appeal to all parishioners to donate toiletries and/or non-perishable food.  A basket will be placed at the entrance of the church over the coming Sundays.  Feel free to contact the Parish Office in case you wish to make a monetary donation. 
  • PLEASE NOTE: Father Celestine Okekeofojebe will be away on Retreat from Sunday 19th November until Friday 24th 
  • SHONA MASS – The next Shona Mass is scheduled for Sunday 03rd December at 11h45 at the Cathedral. You are kindly invited to attend. 
  • BAPTISMS ­– Are scheduled for Sunday 03rd December at the 10h00 Holy Mass. If any parents and guardians wish to have their children baptised, please contact any other clergy of the parish for registration.  The Instruction class is scheduled for Thursday 30th November at 19h00.

NEW HYMNBOOKS – As a matter of urgency, because of the current state of the hymnbooks in the Cathedral, with pages missing and the books being in a bad state of repair we will need to replace the current batch with 300 new hymnbooks.  Since the hymnbooks are only printed in England the cost of a hymnal is about R140 each; which means we have to raise R42 000.  Thus far we have raised R33 720 

If individuals or families which to make donations towards this fundraising drive, please deposit the monies into the Cathedral Restoration Account with the reference HB followed by either your Planned Giving Number or Surname 

Here are the banking details:   Name A/c    St Mary’s Cathedral Restoration

Bank                       Standard Bank

Type A/c               Current Account

Branch Nº              02 09 09

Account Nº            070 624 623 

WORLD DAY OF THE POOR ON SUNDAY 19 NOVEMBER 2017.  At the conclusion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, Pope Francis announced the World Day of the Poor, the aim of which is to appeal to the consciences of believers, sensitizing them to the cries of the poor and the suffering.  The motto chosen for this year is, “Love not in word but in deed”. 

The voice of the poor calls out to all of the baptised, the many charitable Christian institutions and civil society itself, asking everyone to put forward their best efforts in not only providing fraternal support for the destitute but also in valuing, on both the human and spiritual levels, the very dignity of the one who is poor.


  • ANNUAL MASS FOR DECEASED CLERGY, RELIGIOUS AND BENEFACTORS OF THE ARCHDIOCESE on Wednesday 29th November at 12h00 in St Michael’s Catholic Church, Rondebosch. 
  • ADVENT CAROL SERVICE IN THE CATHEDRAL on Sunday 10th December at 19h00. The Choir for the Advent Carol Service is from St Michael and All Angels Anglican Church in Observatory under the direction of Mr Deon Irish. 
  • PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL MEETING on Tuesday 12th December at 18h30 
  • THE ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD of Reverend Shaun Addinall on Friday 15th December 2017 at 19h00 in Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church, Lansdowne. 
  • ADVENT PENITENTIAL SERVICE on Thursday 21st December at 19h00. The venue of the penitential service is Nazareth House Chapel. 


25th November      at 12h00                Robert Leke Gana Etoke & Maria Makhabane

at 16h00                David Fang & Briony Bairstow

16th December      at 14h00                Kirk Fortuin & Caroline Arendse

at 16h00                Glen Marie & Danielle le Roux

at 16h00                Thomas Brennan & Nina Dreyer

23rd December      at 14h00                Lanston Foster & Uvathi Siripal


Welcome to the Cathedral Parish!  We hope you will be happy here.  If you want to register or join our Planned Giving Campaign, please to so either via the parish office or the Parish Website.  Direct transfers are also in order.

Account name              Bank            Type Acc.             Branch No.                    Account Number

St Marys Cathedral              Standard      Current            020-909                071 564 780

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