Collections R 5 670, 60 Planned Giving R 4 030, 00 Southern Cross R 80, 00 2nd Collection R 2 564, 90
- Welcome to the Cathedral Parish! We hope you will be happy here. If you want to register or join our Planned Giving Campaign, please to so either via the parish office or Parish Website. Direct transfers are also in order.
Account name Bank Type Acc. Branch No. Account Number
St Marys Cathedral Standard Current 020-909 071 564 780
NEW HYMNBOOKS – As a matter of urgency, because of the current state of the hymnbooks in the Cathedral, with pages missing and the books being in a bad state of repair we will need to replace the current batch with 300 new hymnbooks. Since the hymnbooks are only printed in England the cost of a hymnal is about R140 each; which means we have to raise R42 000. Thus far we have raised R19 760
If individuals or families which to make donations towards this fundraising drive, please deposit the monies into the Cathedral Restoration Account with the reference HB followed by either your Planned Giving Number or Surname.
Here are the banking details: Name A/c St Mary’s Cathedral Restoration
Bank Standard Bank
Type A/c Current Account
Branch Nº 02 09 09
Account Nº 070 624 623
- FAREWELL CELEBRATION FOR FATHER BERNARD MAKORE will be held this Sunday, 22nd October at 11h30 in the Leslie Johnson Memorial Centre
- PLEASE NOTE: THE CARDINAL VAUGHN SCHOLA CANTORUM, BASED IN KENSINGTON IN LONDON will be on a South African Tour for the first time, commencing on 20th They will be singing at the 18h00 Holy Mass in the Cathedral, next Saturday 28th October.
- FIRST HOLY COMMUNION will be celebrated in the Cathedral on Sunday 29th October at the 10h00 Holy Mass.
- THE SOUTHERN CROSS – Are tattoos legit for Catholics?; Murdered Missionary remembered; How religious orders built SA Church; What penniless missionaries experienced in SA; Fr. Townsend: Diary of an iron padre. THIS WEEK’S EDITORIAL: Mission to the Youth
- BAPTISMS – will be celebrated on Sunday 05th November at the 10h00 Holy Mass. Instruction Class on Thursday 02nd November at 19h00 in the Leslie Johnson Memorial Centre
- PLEASE NOTE: There will be a Midday Concert in the Cathedral on Sunday 12th The cost of the ticket is R50 per person. Looking forward to your support.
SPECIAL COLLECTION FOR MEXICO – The Archbishop has asked all parishes to hold a special collection on the weekend of 11th and 12th November for the Mexicans who were affected by the earthquakes. The donations will be sent to the SACBC Conference who will forward it to CARITAS in Mexico.