FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER – YEAR B 1st Reading: Acts 9:26-31. Resp. Psalm: Psalm 22:26-28.30-32. R/. You are my praise in the great assembly. 2nd Reading: 1 John [...]
FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER – YEAR B 1st Reading: Acts 9:26-31. Resp. Psalm: Psalm 22:26-28.30-32. R/. You are my praise in the great assembly. 2nd Reading: 1 John [...]
FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER – YEAR B 1st Reading: Acts 4:8-12. Resp. Psalm: Psalm 118:1.8-9.21-23.26.28-29. R/. The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. 2nd [...]
THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER (DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY) – YEAR B 1st Reading: Acts 3:13-15.17-19. Resp. Psalm: Psalm 4: R/. Lift up the light of your face on us, O Lord. 2nd Reading: 1 John [...]
1st Reading: Acts 4:32-35. Resp. Psalm: Psalm 118:2-4.15-18.22-24. R/. Give praise to the Lord, for he is good; his mercy endures forever. 2nd Reading: 1 John 5:1-7. Gospel acclamation: You [...]