THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD – YEAR A First Reading: Isaiah 62:11-12. Resp. Psalm: Ps 97:1.6.11-12. ℟: AA light will shine on us this day: the Lord is born for us. Second Reading: Titus 3:4-7. [...]
FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT – YEAR A First Reading: Isaiah 7:10-14. Resp. Psalm: Ps 24:1-6. ℟: Let him enter; he is the king of glory. Second Reading: Romans 1:1-7. Gospel acclamation: [...]
THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT – YEAR A First Reading: Isaiah 35:1-6.10. Resp. Psalm: Ps 146:6-10. ℟: Come, Lord, and save us. Second Reading: James 5:7-10. Gospel acclamation: The [...]
SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT – YEAR A First Reading: Isaiah 11:1-10. Resp. Psalm: Ps 72:1-2,7-9,12-13,17. ℟: In his days shall justice flourish, and great peace forever. Second Reading: Roman [...]