Church Organ Specifications
Pipe Organ Specifications
Cooper, Gill & Tomkins, 19..
Three Manuals, 51 Ranks
Great Organ (61 Notes)
Lieblich Bourdon 16’
Open Diapason I 8’
Open Diapason II 8’
Lieblich Gedäckt 8’
Principal 4’
Wald Flute 4’
Twelfth 2 2/3’
Fifteenth 2’
Mixture IV Ranks
Trombone 16’
Tromba 8’
Clarion 4’
Choir Organ (Enclosed, 73 Notes)
Clarabel 8’
Viol d’Orchestra 8’
Principal 4’
Flute 4’
Nazard 2 2/3’
Piccolo 2’
Tierce 1 3/5’
Mixture III Ranks
Clarinet 8’
Trumpet (Swell) 8’
Tromba (Great) 8’
Posaune 8’
Choir Octave
Swell to Choir
Swell Octave to Choir
Swell Organ (Enclosed, 73 Notes)
Violin Diapason 8’
Rohr Flute 8’
Salicional 8’
Vox Celeste T.C. 8’
Geigen Principal 4’
Flute 4’
Fifteenth 2’
Mixture IV Ranks
Oboe 8’
Double Trumpet 16’
Cornopean 8’
Trumpet 8’
Clarion 4’
Swell Octave
Pedal Organ(32 Notes)
Acoustic Bass 32’
Open Diapason 16’
Bourdon 16’
Lieblich Bourdon 16’
Principal 8’
Bass Flute 8’
Fifteenth 4’
Mixture III Ranks
Bass Trumpet (Swell) 16’
Trombone 16’
Tromba 8’
Clarion 4
Swell to Great
Swell Octave to Great
Choir to Great
Choir Octave to Great
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Choir to Pedal
Pedal Combination on Swell
Great and Pedal Pistons
Manual Pistons
1 – 8 Pistons Swell
1 – 8 Pistons Great
1 – 8 Pistons Choir
8 General Pistons
Swell to Pedal
Choir to Great
Swell to Great
Great to Pedal
Swell to Choir
Choir to Pedal
General Cancel
Toe Pistons
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Choir to Pedal
Swell to Great
Swell to Choir
Choir to Great
1 – 8 Swell or General
1 – 8 Pedal
Swell Expression Pedal
Main Console Accessories
8 Memory Setting Banks (256 Memory Combinations)
Memory Setter Lock
General or Swell Switch