Weekly Notices
- Collections: R 6 234, 50
- Planned Giving: R 1 955, 20
- Mite Boxes: R418, 60
- ECCLESIASTICAL EDUCATION FUND COLLECTION – kindly take an envelope for the second collection to be taken up at all Masses next weekend to help towards the education of our seminarians in the National Seminaries in South Africa.
- HOUSE MASS – On Wednesday, 3rd May at 19h00, Margarethe Schaefer will be hosting at 13 Barton Street, Woodstock.
- BENEDICTION – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction will be celebrated on Friday, 5th May at Nazareth House Chapel from 17h30 – 18h30.
- BINGO/TEA – The Catholic Care Group will have a Bingo/Tea on Saturday, 06th May at 14h15 at Monte Rosa. All interested in joining in and helping on the day or perhaps baking cookies or cake please contact Anik on 021 439 6987 or if you have contacts for the following such as toiletries, biscuits, chocolates or even stationery every little help. All welcome, it is good to see new faces.
- SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM – Our next Baptism will be celebrated in the Cathedral on Sunday, 07 May at the 0h00 Holy Mass. Preparation class will take place on the Thursday, 04rd May at 19h00 at the Cathedral Office. Interested parents must please arrange an appointment with Fr. Rohan or Fr. Bernard before then.
- HOLY MASS FOR THE NEOPHYTES – All those Adults in the Archdiocese of Cape Town who were baptised, received, confirmed and received their First Communion at the their respective Easter Vigils have been invited by the Archbishop to celebrate a Holy Mass of Thanksgiving at the Metropolitan Cathedral on Friday, 12th May at 19h00.
- INTERNATIONAL NURSES DAY MASS – Saturday, 13th May to be celebrated by the Archbishop Stephen Brislin at 10h00 at Nazareth House Chapel.
- HOLY HOUR – Saturday, 13th May from 16h00 to 17h00 at Villa Maria Shrine. To pray for all priests in the Archdiocese of Cape Town.
- RCIA – The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process developed by the Catholic Church for prospective converts to Catholicism who are above the age of infant baptism. Candidates are gradually introduced to aspects of Catholic beliefs and practices. The new RCIA journey is scheduled to start shortly. Interested individuals must please arrange an appointment with the Priests before then.
- MARCH AGAINST XENOPHOBIA – Saturday, 06th May at 10h00 from Keizergracht Street (CPUT) to Parliament in favour of migrants and refugees. All welcome.
- THE SOUTHERN CROSS – Bishops: SA needs fixing; A giant leaves SACBC; How we should mark the Fatima Centenary; Can the Church die from within? Editorial: The call to be political.
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